Shipping cost


CGN Regular
You may wish to give your clients a heads up on the cost of shipping. I was sickened to see my bill for two crates of 7.62x25 ammo with a shipping charge of 263.43. I will not be getting any more ammo from you. PS Trade Ex will ship for free!
263.43?? did they rent a truck just for you?!!

In all seriousness i would contact them directly, that looks like its a calculation error or someone typed it in wrong.
i bought a crate of amo from a van. dealer (great price)by the time i paid freight to northen b.c. i was paying more than our local store....ouch
so i ordered a case of 7.62x25 from local store....$500+ OUCH!...i didnt specify i wanted surplus!
its buyer beware out there, best thing to do is shoot it all up and buy cheaper stuff next time....or put it away for the apocallyps,(sp?) prices are bound to skyrocket then!
OP> Was there an option to get a shipping quote prior to finalizing the order. I never give my CC info without a firm total price.
OP> Was there an option to get a shipping quote prior to finalizing the order. I never give my CC info without a firm total price.

Ordering Ammunition from Marstar Canada

Important: we do not have an automated shopping cart on our site because all orders for firearms, controlled firearms parts, ammunition, etc. require manual verification and processing of licenses
Sounds about right, I had 120 to ship one crate and an sks. They are on the opposite side of the country though. I'm getting my future ammo closer to home.

I thought their service was great though, it's not their fail the cost of fuel is high
I sent them a mail asking how much shipping was for the ammo and $75 sks. The reply I got made me think it would be cheaper to buy locally. Personally I wouldnt pay for anything before knowing the total price first. Hope next time you know how much your paying before you pay.
Marstar is in Quebec and you are on PEI. Could have gone up for the weekend spent the money on a room bought a few hotdogs and some beer. But gas and the bridge cost would be an extra cost so you can't win.
Marstar is in Quebec and you are on PEI. Could have gone up for the weekend spent the money on a room bought a few hotdogs and some beer. But gas and the bridge cost would be an extra cost so you can't win.

Marstar is in eastern Ontario, about 50 miles east of Ottawa. Long drive from PEI!
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