website soon?

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Careful about what you recommend abms1. for 5/month u get 500 megs bandwidth and 500 megs storage and no e-commerce. I know of 3 sponsor sites on CGN that would surpass that bandwidth in half a day, and fill that disk space with a weeks worth of uncompressed log files. Sure, wix would be fine for low traffic brochure sites, but recommending such a service to sponsors on a forum as heavy traffic is CGN is frankly naive.
Hi Guys

yes it has been a while, I have maybe the worst luck with web designers, I have a new lady now who is great, she has the site close to where I can put items in etc.

Close to the point where you can put items in it? A 15 year old kid with drupal and a database can make you a fully functional site with inventory and minimal graphics in like 6 hours, and they'd probably want $40.00, and you'd pay very little for the script. You'd probably pay more to have your logo designed and pay for the domain/hosting than it would be to get the site going.

You'd spend longer writing up the descriptions for the items and all the other fields
Its called a telephone. I just placed an Order for a Kidd bolt... took 5 minutes and you get to talk to a real person....

So website or Not they got my business.... Some of you people should pick a hobby instead of nitpicking....
lol! most 15 yr olds these days wont leave the xbox to take out the garbage for their allowance, show me one that would setup the base infrastructure for an ecommerce site for 40 dollars, even 100 dollars. Yes, I take offense because this is what I have been doing for the past 14 years of my life and I know what a job like this requires. NO out of box drupal, joomla, wordpress whatever plugin will meet the business needs of the majority of vendors. Customizations are almost always required. Please, stop lying to our sponsors, you'll only set them further back :)
lol! most 15 yr olds these days wont leave the xbox to take out the garbage for their allowance, show me one that would setup the base infrastructure for an ecommerce site for 40 dollars, even 100 dollars. Yes, I take offense because this is what I have been doing for the past 14 years of my life and I know what a job like this requires. NO out of box drupal, joomla, wordpress whatever plugin will meet the business needs of the majority of vendors. Customizations are almost always required. Please, stop lying to our sponsors, you'll only set them further back :)

lol wow, what's your rate by the way?

I only have a web design studio that leases office space where I work that has looked into sites like SFRC and they have a package that could be deployed in hours to do exactly what they have. It wouldn't cost $40.00 to get these guys to do, but a 15 year old could set it up in a day or two no problem. It would take longer for the DNS to propogate, and the descriptions and prices into the cart, along with the cc processor gateway linked up than it would be for the web design folks to get the infrastructure together. You wait for stuff like getting the images done, etc. If you don't need real time inventory controls, as in your web interface plugs into a CRM or other database, this can be done very easily. The actual site itself is easy because it can be done by the person who's usually in charge of the project.

You could probably get the whole package deal put together from a design studio with a service level agreement, ready to go in day, for less than the price of having some person take 2 years to produce garbage. Take Marstar's site for example, they spent a lot of time upgrading to what they have, and it's almost as bad as they had before (which was probably the worst layout I have seen since the 1990's)
Unfortunately I just ignore all posts related to great deals at Jo Brook. I saw their 'site' about 4 years ago and gave up checking it after the first year. I'm in another province so browsing is out of the question. Too bad too because I'm one of those buyers that doesn't usually look for a specific item. I surf sites looking for stuff that intrigues me or seems like a good deal. 80-90% of my purchases are not 'planned'. When these guys get with the program I'll give them my money, until then, they just 'don't exist'.
People can be to harsh on this site, you obviously haven't read the posts fully, or you have and your missing a major point. Jo-Brooks is not tailored toward internet sales, your talking about restructuring a 35+ year old business (don't be insulted not meant as a slight --->) which for all intents and purposes is in the sticks of Manitoba. It would take a major investment on the part of the business owner to a) get the site up and professionally done b) catalogue and maintain his inventory online (this costs because you need to be familiar with the website controls to do this which he probably isn't so taht's another employee to pay which equals more overhead which means you pay more! Which means you go somewhere else) c) work out a shipping contract with a major LTL carrier that could provide x-Canada service d) add employee's that his current business probably can't support for over the counter/online sales. He obviously has a loyal, local following which is his bread and with that being said do you not think his customer service etc that make him successful in his local market may suffer by making these changes and would said changes be worth it to him. Your talking about a man's livelyhood, not something to be trifled with or taken lightly. If you are inconvieneced by having to call etc you have many options, e-mail, CGN PM's, go to another CGN supported online retailer? I would just ask fellow community members to reserve posting your judgements on others people's business' if you haven't taken the time to put yourself in a small business owners shoes. As another person posted in this thread,"good things take time", if you lack the patience to deal with Jo-Brooks then simply put, don't. He's doubled his business in 5 years and he's on the right track, the site will be up. When? That's Travis' decision to make not our's and all the nitpicking in the world won't make a difference. Sorry to Sgt.Rock for having your thread de-railed like it has been.
lol wow, what's your rate by the way?

I only have a web design studio that leases office space where I work

My rate is very reasonable, and actually discounted for the firearms and outdoor sports industry.

Please define exactly what that sentence means. Are you saying you OWN a studio, or merely that there is a web design studio in the same building that you work at?
I personally buy what I see online... I compare prices, locations, etc. I guarentee I would at least browse your e-store :)

Online gun / accessory purchasing has equated for 95% of all of my money that I spend into all things guns.
My Kidd bolt was cheaper then what Fabsports sells it for online.... So If not having a website can save me 10$ on a small Item. That just covered my shipping....
My rate is very reasonable, and actually discounted for the firearms and outdoor sports industry.

Please define exactly what that sentence means. Are you saying you OWN a studio, or merely that there is a web design studio in the same building that you work at?

There's 3 web designers that work at this company, and the office that we have downtown (which I work out of) leases space to a web design studio. After speaking with them all, the outcome is the same, it's a day or two work at most to get a functioning site on par with SFRC, and however long it takes for the vendor to get the pictures, descriptions, prices etc. Then it's the typical waiting game for all the other pieces to come together. Best case scenario is 5-7 business days and 1-2 paid web design days not including logo design, and using stock photos.

These aren't the guys who got into this in the late 1990's dabbling with frontpage express either, these are real web designers and programmers, not small town people who give you excuses for 2 years and throw something together in a week.
Interesting. I may just have to get back to you with a partial list of custom modifications that were required to bring SFRC from out of box zen to what it is today. Yes, I built the SFRC site and work with Ryan to this day and have no doubt that what you claim is impossible. I've taken the liberty to scour the board for some of your other threads and it has occured to me that you just like to type lots...and seem to think you know everything about everything. Most times I just roll my eyes and move on, but in this case, I feel the need let you know you've stepped over a line. Just because I started in the field in the late 90's, does not imply I develop and design using strictly WYSIWYG tools. I have years of PHP, classic ASP and .NET development, work as a senior programmer for a major organization, and run a web development business as the sole employee on the side. I know what I am talking about, YOU are stepping on the toes of myself and my peers.

Oh, and regarding JoBrooks Website, it is COMING. As I stated Travis is currently entering product, and there is a LOT of product, and there IS a learning curve. Not everyone is a super hero like you or your cohorts Rocket. And how do I know where the site is at?? Because I am completing the build for Travis as well.
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