Sold Out: Type 88 Snipers

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I don't know how people can look at a decade old thread and think that there might possibly be an update of some sort on these guns. If nothing has been said in that long then that should speak for itself.
correct me if im wrong or is it just my imagination, didnt one come up for sale recently and it sold for 9 grand? switzer or #######? anywhere?
Bahhhhaaaaaa. . .I remember these sitting in stock unsold for a very long time. Wish I bought one now. lol. . .Also in for the posters beneath me for the disappointment.
What about these are so great that they might command a $9k auction price other than being not that common? Are they a really good piece of gear?
What about these are so great that they might command a $9k auction price other than being not that common? Are they a really good piece of gear?

Short answer is no, long answer is functionality wise its not worth $9K not even half of $9K, but its worth the money for the uniqueness and collectability. In my opinion not $9K but I would pay $3K for it though.
Still love mine all these years. Fun little DMR w~

Kudos to you bro paying $10k for this DMR last year! Wish you many years of enjoyment and great marksmanship!
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What about these are so great that they might command a $9k auction price other than being not that common? Are they a really good piece of gear?

I struggled to come up with an answer for that one too... but most sniper ELR are bolt action rather than semi right? and this one is a bullup...

So maybe those two attributes combined are what made this so special...
Sorry guys no plans for future shipments. We brought like only 10 in and they sat for months. This was also when dollar was on par, nevermind inflation. Would easily be over 5k now, too much to justify
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