Gas tube, block port hole problem


Whos the manufacturer of your gas tubes and blocks as I think theres an issue with some parts ive received.
The gas tube port hole doesnt line up with the gas block port hole when assembled, the block covers the tubes hole by almost a 16th.


PS ... thanks for the quick recent shipment.
Which order number was it?

We carry two types of gas blocks. 1 from VLTOR and 1 from S&J Hardware.

The gas tubes are DPMS.
may be your gua tube, but from the photo, of what i can see there is more then enought of the gas tube hole showing to make it cycle no problem
Have you installed the roll pin yet?
have you shpt the firearm?
is that the botton of the gas block where the set screws go and if so how can you tell if the gas port is mis-aligned from that view ?

You can see the gas tube to hole alignment in the photo. I would suggest installing the rollpin and running a small drill through from the bottom to open the tube up a bit. Should be fine.
Thank you CTCS for rectifying the out of spec gas block problem, recieved the new one today and everything lines up nicely with the tube and the dimple jig.
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