Got my free targets! Thanks!

Maybe you can't be proud of them but you should find a way to make them cheaper. You can exchange pride for sales growth.

Please don't get me wrong. It's your business and you can obviously do whatever you'd like.

Most shooters currently make their own targets. Unfortunately, IMO, your current price points are too high to penetrate that DIY market.

$1 a target delivered to your house man. If you are complaining about the cost maybe you should take up a different hobby, or just shoot paper plates.

Wow. V:I:
$1 a target delivered to your house man. If you are complaining about the cost maybe you should take up a different hobby, or just shoot paper plates.

Wow. V:I:

Did you read my post? I suggested that the vendor could see larger sales growth with cheaper targets. I'm not complaining about ANY price because I'm not interested in buying.

WOW :jerkit:
I'm not broke. I just don't waste money on stuff that winds up in the recycling bin or shredded on the range floor. That's why I'm not broke.

The same reason why so many people reload - because its just too damned expensive to buy factory loads.

Just don't buy the targets and let the man sell his product, without your cheap comments. He's obviously selling despite what you may believe.

Edit - This product is defineatly not aimed at someone in your demographic so just move along.
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Just recieved my targets aswell. Big thanks from Sask!

Targets are a very good size and printed on very good paper.. Took a few out to the range with me the other day and they were great. Will be ordering more in the future.

Thanks again

Are they afraid its gonna hurt the Canadian Zombies Association???

Maybe the Zombies are lobbying again....D*mn Zombies.

The answer we got was even though they are of the undead category, they still ressemble humans:rolleyes:

I'll probably just take those ones out to the bush and punch holes in them with my m305:D
Hap, thanks for the support

Mav, what are the conditions in that? No eyes, mouth, nose, etc. will our faceless work or you?

Who decides these rules? Is it a board, owner, CFO. Is there away to petition the range?

If there is enough of this going on we will produce a milk bottle or something to meet your needs.
At one club I belong to, the rules can vary a little depending on who's around. One member of the executive couldn't care less as long as there's no damage or mess. Another member of the executive wants nothing but NRA official bullseye targets. Another states no 'human shaped' targets: even the rounded rectangle with a circle on top.

I don't mind some fuddliness, but makeup your damned minds.

At Silverdale, they provide the targets.

Thanks for the feedback. Consistency is nice.

There is very few rules here in this forum. The number 1 rule is be cool. This means no insulting one another so you feel you can win arguments. It includes things like don't waist your time and that of other picking fights. Disagree with me, disagree with each other but at a certain point we need to agree to disagree and stop beating issues to death.

I am not going to get in the business of editing and deleting posts, there is way to much horizontal hosility in the firearms community. Act like your are a guest in someone's living room. Be polite, be nice, be cool.
All that's left to say is...

I wish you all the best and good luck with your business.
Hap, thanks for the support

Mav, what are the conditions in that? No eyes, mouth, nose, etc. will our faceless work or you?

Who decides these rules? Is it a board, owner, CFO. Is there away to petition the range?

If there is enough of this going on we will produce a milk bottle or something to meet your needs.

I'm not sure of the specifics,like who makes the rules, as I'm new to the club. However I was told that if you wanted to shoot silhouette targets, you have to fold the head portion over first so its not showing.

They also said no zombies. I doubt even removing the facial features would be enough (for zombie or human targets).

as much as it sucks, I guess at least there is a range I can shoot at:redface:
Hap, thanks for the support

Mav, what are the conditions in that? No eyes, mouth, nose, etc. will our faceless work or you?

Who decides these rules? Is it a board, owner, CFO. Is there away to petition the range?

If there is enough of this going on we will produce a milk bottle or something to meet your needs.

My range will not allow shooting "human pictures too". However, "silhoulette" is kosher!

I like the gangster target with the 45 deg profile. If the "human details" (eg, eyes, mouth, tattoos" could be removed and the silhoulette could be broken up in different shades of grays, and the vital areas could be indicated by shade.

The challenge is to produce a target that is PC ( hate to say that, but that is the reality that most of us have to face) with training value, and in the correct proportion and scale.
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