JohnOne email address

"I e mailed him in Dec. 2010 about a few of his collection he was selling and received a reply 14 weeks later with some of the ones I wanted gone.When I cancelled the order his reply was that he was pissed with me.I have purchased from his company in the past but because of this he has lost a customer. "

Here we go again, if you want me to comment, look into, adresss or otherwise research a specific issue I really need your name.... BOOGIEMAN does not come up in our data base....

I really find it strange that it took 14 weeks to reply, but I will gladly look into it providing I get your name
"A post like that would usually get a immediate response from him in his usual bold condescending manner .
He must be sick or out of the country "

As usual I can always count on your kind and understanding comments....
I have repeated, requested, begged, etc , many , many times.... If folks want me to look up something i NEED a name, not an avatar, pen name, nom de guerre, nom de plume, etc, etc....

In your second comment you are right, I have been off quite a bit since my accident over two months ago, something I also mentionned before, once again I apologize for having the accident and taking time off....
I'm not saying anything to bash John, I would just like it if he got in touch with me so that we can complete our agreement for the rifle I purchased from him. I see that he replied to a couple of people on here, but he never replied to my posting on here. At first the communication was great, and then it tricled off to nothing.

John, Please PM me so that we can work something out for the bayonet that was never included in my purchase.

Thank you,

Yes I owe you the bayonet....

I apologize, I did say I would be unpacking some of my personal goods, sort and send you the bayonet....

In January I had and accident from which I am still recovering.... I have not been taking care of much.

If you wish to wait thats fine, If you prefer a price adjustment then I will refund the value of the blade....


Thanks for getting back to me I very much appreciate it! I will wait for you to get around to unpacking your crates. I have recently bought a second FN49 and need another bayonet for her.

Very sorry to hear of your troubles. Hopefully you will recover quickly so you can continue to get all of us the great things that you bring in. Keep up the great work!!


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