No responce to email inquiry...


CGN Regular
Hello I didn't get a responce to my email sent awhile ago to so I figured I would ask here.

I am looking for a part for my mosin nagant I just bought. It is the capscrew that holds the sear/trigger spring to the receiver on my 1891/30 rifle.
Since it was in cosmoline when I got it I didn't blame the seller for the stripped screw... The bolt actually came out of the receiver on the 5th shot! Didn't look very impressive at the range when you get comments like "you get what you pay for".. :eek:

Also I didn't buy it from Marstar for the record!

Can you help me find a screw? (Ooops that came out wrong...)

Thanks in advance!

I looked through my e mail for the past few days, nothing with this name on it.... However if you want try again I would be pleased to respond to your requirement....
In the meantime I will check with Frank and see what we can do for you

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