First Safe Questions

So instead of getting an actual safe, I opted for gun locks and a locking cabinet. But cabinet is in a locked room on second story of house....think the gun locks are necessary with the locking cabinet and locking room?
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As someone new to firearms, on looking around for a gun safe the first thing that was apparent to me is that every safe marketed for firearms storage screams "I've got guns! Come an' git 'em!". They're hunter green, occasionally have writing on them to the effect of "gun safe to keep out the bad guys", or have other identifying details. To me, the best part about safe storage (no puns) lies in invisibility. Much like having a swimming pool in one's back yard is considered to be a reasonable attractant and consequently leaves the property owners having to install fencing and other measures to dissuade trespassers, having a big ol' gun safe walk out of a store with me and slowly into my home seems one of those advertisements that I want to avoid.

On the other hand, if Joe Burglar breaks into my house, it's fair to assume that a safe of any description will draw their attention.

So what to do? I've seen pictures of locked steel boxes inside a hide-a-bed and the likes, but is this simply a feel-good measure for the owner rather than affecting the likelihood of theft? Or is this overly reductive in scope, as others have mentioned that a safe is only part of the security puzzle.

I suppose I could frame this as - Do other readers consider "visibility" in their risk management, and if so, where does this fall in your order of priorities and what variables do you see that have an effect on your decision-making? (As mentioned by others, rural/urban living, proximity of neighbours, type of neighbourhood if applicable, visits from kids who'll go "Wow, look at the size of your basement safe!", etc...)
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