Pksk - Bad, bad news

this is the classification:

From FRT:

"prohibited firearm" means

(c) an automatic firearm, whether or not it has been altered to discharge only one projectile with one pressure of the trigger

That is the prohibition that applies to CAs.

I'm presuming that the specimen submitted had been scratch manufactured as semi. If it was a remanufactured FA gun, then the classifiaction is correct under the law.

The VZ58 type rifles come to mind: they were manufactured using brand new, never assembled, selective fire receivers, altered to semi prior to being used in a rifle. This concept was specifically approved by the RCMP.
What kind of crock a #### is this. This country really pisses me off at times. Was really looking forward to it too. Guess we will see what happens with other firearms expecting FRT#'s.
That is the prohibition that applies to CAs.

I'm presuming that the specimen submitted had been scratch manufactured as semi. If it was a remanufactured FA gun, then the classifiaction is correct under the law.

The VZ58 type rifles come to mind: they were manufactured using brand new, never assembled, selective fire receivers, altered to semi prior to being used in a rifle. This concept was specifically approved by the RCMP.

The design of a semi-auto version was derived from full-auto machine-pistol. Even though it has similar in appearance and dimensions full-auto version, it has scratch manufactured receiver, was never assembled as full-auto and then converted to semi-auto.
As I said before the semi-auto receiver is not the same as full-auto receiver, and trigger group and bolt assembly are different as well. The semi-auto receiver won't accept full-auto parts from its cousin....
I'd like to know more details to this and how it may set a precedent that will be used to reclassify all out AR platforms..
Any links to more "official" info?
So, did they actually put their findings in writing and formally give you a reason WHY this was classified the way it was or are you just going to take their word for t?
I will have a meeting with the manufacturer at IWA in March. We will be discussing possible re-design to get PKSK classified as restricted.
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