Out of Stock Issue


Is it just me, or does Marstar not keep stock on a lot of their products? Time and time again, Ive gone looking for various items Id like to purchase, and they are constantly showing as out of stock. It is very frustrating, and has sent me shopping elsewhere more than once. Or perhaps they just don't bother updating their website?? If so, that is just bad for business in this internet driven world. Perhaps if they don't stock these items anymore, they should remove them from their online catalog.
I have waited for years for one gun to be in stock.So far nobody else has it either.Owell don't have to hide it from she who must be obeyed.
Same problem for me, it's like nothing every seems to change besides occasionally the "new" items. then I find out it's some furniture.
I see you are all new here...:D:D:D

be patient guys, John will be here soon enough, and believe me he will fix you!
I see you are all new here...:D:D:D

be patient guys, John will be here soon enough, and believe me he will fix you!

MOUHAHAHA, yes he will!

Guys, keep in mind that John has to import everything... Importing guns in this country is a little more complicated that going at Wallmart.
I see you are all new here...:D:D:D

be patient guys, John will be here soon enough, and believe me he will fix you!

I may be new to this site, but Im certainly not new to shooting, nor am I new to online shopping, and I take offense to what you say just because we dont have over 1000 posts like you do. And as for importing guns taking time.....duh....really?? Been there, done that with my AR that I imported from the US, don't tell me how much time it takes and how many hoops you have to jump through. As for my original post, I was referring to accessories, NOT guns, so if you guys would have taken the time to ask, rather than just spew, your idiotic comments would not have been necessary. Whats John going to do to me? Reach through his monitor and slap me? Ban me from buying from him?? LMFAO With comments like that, Im beginning to question whether I want to frequent this site or not..... :mad::mad:
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I may be new to this site, but Im certainly not new to shooting, nor am I new to online shopping, and I take offense to what you say just because we dont have over 1000 posts like you do. And as for importing guns taking time.....duh....really?? Been there, done that with my AR that I imported from the US, don't tell me how much time it takes and how many hoops you have to jump through. As for my original post, I was referring to accessories, NOT guns, so if you guys would have taken the time to ask, rather than just spew, your idiotic comments would not have been necessary. Whats John going to do to me? Reach through his monitor and slap me? Ban me from buying from him?? LMFAO With comments like that, Im beginning to question whether I want to frequent this site or not..... :mad::mad:

John slapping you.....?

No wayyyy.

But your Mom will slap you for sure, once she finds out that you are surfing the net again without her permission!

Ive only ever ordered ar15 magazines form marstar because anything else I wanted was always out of stock. its not my problem in the end. I just go elsewhere.
Too funny... I didn't realize the amount of posts determined ones knowledge of shooting, business and common sense... I can't wait to reach 1000+ posts so I can offend other enthusiasts...
I feel your pain ...
When you take your experences with online shopping we get examples like with future shop, ebay, staples whatever.

Place product in cart, pay for it and your done. = internet busniess.

But the guns ammo, mags , gun parts are well sigh not the same at all

I to have checked their web site for a particular mag maybe 30 or fourty times over a year or more.
I have often thought to myself why dont they just put in bracets ( no longer stocked ).

THis is why the stores that are most organized will win the battle and be most successful .Good examples are
Wolverine, Questar, Frontier...
And If you cant update your website .. it becomes more and more ineffective.

Try to not take other people comments so personally.
A large persentage of us CGNers could use a course in edicate, myself included.
God knows I cant spell
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This is not an online game for your amusement child

Even with a few shots of.Crown Royal in me, I can't wrap my head around this one. I like the Marstar site, but have not yet hit the right item to make a purchase. I'll check again.
Even with a few shots of.Crown Royal in me, I can't wrap my head around this one. I like the Marstar site, but have not yet hit the right item to make a purchase. I'll check again.

my bad this was intended for Polaris. mother bashing is a typical online game tactic for children
They probably care to be a distributor more so then a retailer. They would make a killing on consumer sales if they had a modern website with shopping cart. Its been under development for some time :)
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