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Thread: Out of Stock Issue

  1. #81
    Expired Business
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    "The out of stock issue is not about the website. It is about things being out of stock for years. "

    We would welcome your input as to how we can rattle some cages and get beaurocrats to move faster....

    Lets start with the factories that make all sorts of promises and keep issuing delay
    after delay, excuse after excuse....

    Then lets move on to the the government people in the exporting countries who issue transit permits, export permits....loading permits, security permissions, etc, etc....

    Marine and inland transport companies who offer endless delays and excuses....

    All this to say we will not be showing out of stock on the new site unless we have an ETA....

  2. #82
    Expired Business
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    Mar 2004
    Now if he will just start taking EMT all would be great

    Once again we have to weight the benefits versus the cost.... So far the demand is very low, the additional administrative costs are high.... We will see

  3. #83
    Expired Business
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    Mar 2004
    We have tried various forms of lists over the years....
    A lot of wasted time, you put yourself on a list for a given product, the goods arrive and we notify all those people....

    less than 20% will go ahead with the transaction.... Then we catch hell from others weeks later that they missed out on the deal.... You can't win


  4. #84
    CGN Ultra frequent flyer deagle2008's Avatar
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    Apr 2010
    every time i called them for something it was out of stock. and everytime we ask john he states that his products are overseas lol in shipping containers. even that one item i bought from them their shipping price killed the good price on the item. lesson learned

  5. #85
    CGN Regular HedonismBot's Avatar
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    Apr 2007
    This has come up many times. If I recall correctly some of the out of stock items will never be in stock again. I've been visiting the site since 2007.

    The Marstar website is more of a time capsule than a retail tool. Best bet seems to be clicking on 'New Items'

  6. #86
    CGN Regular wmd's Avatar
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    Jan 2012
    No problem John I just like to use EMT to buy stuff so it means I can't buy from you even know you got some cool stuff

  7. #87
    CGN Ultra frequent flyer Deckard's Avatar
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    Chumperistani Gulag
    You should be able to order 20% of what is 'wished for.' The fact that I'd check the site 100 times should say something, but I think it gets lost in mild defensiveness.

    Quote Originally Posted by johnone View Post
    We have tried various forms of lists over the years....
    A lot of wasted time, you put yourself on a list for a given product, the goods arrive and we notify all those people....

    less than 20% will go ahead with the transaction.... Then we catch hell from others weeks later that they missed out on the deal.... You can't win

    Listen, and understand. That Liberal is out there. It can’t be bargained with. It can’t be reasoned with. It doesn’t feel pity, or remorse- only fear. And it absolutely will not stop, ever, until your guns are gone.

  8. #88
    Expired Business
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    Mar 2004
    "You should be able to order 20% of what is 'wished for.'"

    I don't think I explained it correctly, for example yesterday I signe a large contract for some firearms the first delivery of which is about 4 months down the road (maybe) and the total contract runs into 2014.

    I have no idea when which part of the order will arrive, should I accept wish list requests ?

    We don't order on short term, since most of our purchases are directly from the factory or foreign governemnts matters move at a completely different pace, uncertain and slow....

    "but I think it gets lost in mild defensiveness."
    Would you prefer that I tell you a story, a lie, a fabrication ?
    I can only tell you what I know ....

  9. #89
    Expired Business
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    Mar 2004
    "This has come up many times. If I recall correctly some of the out of stock items will never be in stock again"

    I repeat, repeat, repeat, sold out items will not show up on our new site....

  10. #90
    CGN Regular stinkycod's Avatar
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    Nova Scotia Newfie
    John, you are not listening to our consumer needs. You are being way too defensive of your web site and forgetting why you have worked so diligently hard to provide a quality service to people, whom believe in why got you started in the business.
    The problem is not in your ability as a retailer, (your reputation is stellar) I myself am not qualified to comment on how to be a retailer, a consumer, however, I am. You need to take this criticism as constructive, believe me if I did not want to support your business I would not waste your valuable time to comment or provide suggestions.
    First, your web site was suggested to all who criticize, by a satisfied customer. So look at from our perspective; we visit your website, based upon a number of recommendations, excited to spend our hard-earned money to get a product, only to be let down by out of stock items., that seems to never be restocked.
    My point is simply you are where you are by your hard work and consumers whom believe and supported you; they have passed their satisfaction to their friends as the place to shop! Do not let them and yourself down. This is not personal; you need to look at our comments from a consumer stand point. In closing you have provided a quality service at an outstanding price point!

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