CZ 858/CSA VZ. 58 chrome-lined NR?

"J" man

Hi John,

Some bird told me that Marstar used to import NR chrome-lined VZ.58s, don't know if they were made by CZ or CSA. Is there any chance of seeing these offered by Marstar in the foreseeable future? 7.62x39 of course. Thanks.
"J" MAN;
Yes we did have some chrome lined VZ-58s manufactured sometime ago....
We may bring in some at a later date.

Some did, I got a barreled action as-is that had really bad headspace.
Mine was as-is, nothing to do about that, I understood that might happened, but I heard others on here with rifles with bad headspace. Can't remember if they returned them or not.
"J" MAN;
Yes we did have some chrome lined VZ-58s manufactured sometime ago....
We may bring in some at a later date.


That sure would be great, thanks John. Just give us a heads up if you do go through with it so that we can put some $ on the side before they come in.
When was headspace a problem on our guns ?

That depends... did the CZH2003 rifles originated from you? Or were there some brought in by someone else as well?

Here on CGN there were a handful of people with the same headspace problem. Most seem to work ok, but other rifles were plagued with FTE problems.

Cases would be stuck and the rim would be ripped off by the extractor. People kept telling us we were not cleaning the rifle properly. We were told things like "The lacquer on the surplus ammo is making them stick", so clean it even more!" The person I bought the rifle denied there were any problems, so I initially thought I had done something wrong.

I polished it to the best of my ability and then eventually took it in for a chamber cast. The first gunsmith confirmed it was not a maintenance issue, and he suspected the chamber was "cut poorly", but he didn't have a 7.62x39 gauge and was unfamiliar with these rifles.

I had a second gunsmith look at it and he confirmed it was out to lunch from factory. Regardless of which bolt locks were used to adjust the head space, they still closed completely on the "No Go" gauges. Both gunsmiths had the same conclusion: The rifle should have never been allowed to leave the factory like this. They both said it should be returned at once.

Instead of returning them to the importer, people seemed to dump these lemons on the EE and that is where a few of us got stuck with them. When I called Marstar the fellow on the phone denied the CZH2003 rifles came from there, and even if it did I was told there was nothing I could do because it was a second hand rifle.

There were a few threads on this back in 2009 where other people had identical problems. It seemed to only happen on the rifles with the non-restricted barrels.

I kind of gave up on the rifle a while ago. I had a few people send me messages asking to buy this defective rifle off me, but I don't feel comfortable putting a potentially unsafe firearm back into circulation on the EE or elsewhere. I brushed it off as a learning experience and the CZH2003 is safely gathering dust in the corner of my gunsafe.

Read more here. There were also some earlier threads that discuss the headspace/chamber problem:
A local gunsmith and CGN member is currently trying to fix my rifle, apparently he is welding material onto the bolt locks and grinding it off in an effort to custom fit it properly. Said he ran the idea by Wolfgang @ Wolverine Supplies.

Mine was an 'as is' barreled receiver from Marstar and assembled with a parts kit from wolverine supplies. Once assembled I was also getting case head separations every 2-3 rounds and stopped shooting once some CGNers explained what was happening. I also tried different locking lugs(terminology may be wrong) as also suggested to me by Wolfgang, all ate no-go gauges.
Quality control at the factory was definitely asleep for a few rifles. Not sure how mine came into this country, as a rifle or barreled receiver, but either way it should have never made it here.
I do take responsibility for my money spent as it was an 'as is' rifle, rolled the dice and lost, so I never contacted Marstar about it.
Some did, I got a barreled action as-is that had really bad headspace.Mine was as-is, nothing to do about that, I understood that might happened, but I heard others on here with rifles with bad headspace. Can't remember if they returned them or not.

A local gunsmith and CGN member is currently trying to fix my rifle, apparently he is welding material onto the bolt locks and grinding it off in an effort to custom fit it properly. Said he ran the idea by Wolfgang @ Wolverine Supplies.

Mine was an 'as is' barreled receiver from Marstar and assembled with a parts kit from wolverine supplies. Once assembled I was also getting case head separations every 2-3 rounds and stopped shooting once some CGNers explained what was happening. I also tried different locking lugs(terminology may be wrong) as also suggested to me by Wolfgang, all ate no-go gauges.
Quality control at the factory was definitely asleep for a few rifles. Not sure how mine came into this country, as a rifle or barreled receiver, but either way it should have never made it here.
I do take responsibility for my money spent as it was an 'as is' rifle, rolled the dice and lost, so I never contacted Marstar about it.

Why do you think John sold them ?
I doubt he brought in barreled receivers from the manufacturer .
More likely they were customer returns & found to be not serviceable.
I bought one too ! Assembled a Wolverine kit in it. Didn't have a set of gauges so I made sure the bolt locked up . Took it to the range & held it around the corner of a wall & fired it . checked the spent casing & found no issues. Fired a bunch more & all look fine.
Guess I was lucky . SO FAR :D
I didn't know 'as-is' meant, may explode gases into your face if assembled and fire.
Can't see marstar selling them if they knew of the issue.
Would of made a nice wall hanger if I wasn't stubborn and want to shoot it.
How about some Non Restricted, Chrome lined, 223, with metal ar adapater?

I would pay a grand for it!
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