Another target design


Now I know you guys have more ideas than time to implement them but the one practice target I cannot find is one of a charging bear with the vitals. You can find all kinds of broad sides but nothing covering an outdoors man's worst case scenario, I mean this is the reason most of us carry a firearm in the bush. I think this type of target would quickly become one of your top sellers.

thanks cheers
Charging bear, charging moose, leaping cougar, angry beaver, etc. Lotsa possibilities there. :D
does anyone know of any plinking games using paper targets? I'd like to duel with my friends at the range.
A fun one is using a standard bullseye style target and assigning values to each ring and shooting for a penny/dime/dollar a point. There are targets with a deck of cards laid out and you shoot for the best poker hand too.

I was using the random poolball one yesterday at 50 yards with my 22WMR,
a color printer at work helps ;)
Don't know if any of you have seen a prairie gopher in full charge after missing with 10/22 but could send you to critical stress debriefing. might make and interesting target :eek:

A fun one is using a standard bullseye style target and assigning values to each ring and shooting for a penny/dime/dollar a point. There are targets with a deck of cards laid out and you shoot for the best poker hand too.

Where would I find the deck of cards targets? I'd like to see four paper targets, one each suit, but with the size of the cards decreasing as the value goes up ie ace is tiny, deuce is large. Also the deck couldn't be in numerical order, they'd have to be randomly organized. Hate to see my competitor miss a king only to hit a jack!
Where would I find the deck of cards targets? I'd like to see four paper targets, one each suit, but with the size of the cards decreasing as the value goes up ie ace is tiny, deuce is large. Also the deck couldn't be in numerical order, they'd have to be randomly organized. Hate to see my competitor miss a king only to hit a jack!
I seen them on the "Free Targets" forum. It looks like the deck is laid out in sequential suits sans jokers and are pretty small.
Our artists are back, we have then back logged with some designs.

We are producing some download able targets that you can print off on an 8.5x11 for sighting in MOA and one for mildot, there will be two other deigns. Then there is the zombies to get done(long over due). And a few others(cards, etc)

Charging animals is a great idea. If you can come up with 3 animals agree on it, get 6 ppl to comit to 50 of each(150total) at $150 us shipping we will put it at the front of the line.

We need to make sure that we have product that people are going to buy so we aren't stuck with the inventory and no market.

We are considering anthropomorphic animal targets for the ranges that won't allow zombies or ppl.
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