Videos of Shooting drills

(I searched and was unable to find the code to embed Video; help please)


You embed the video with the [youtube][/youtube] tags. Simply place the video number (not the whole URI) in between the tags. For example, for this video, I did:

As an aside, I also used [CENTER][/CENTER] tags around all of that, because I like the look of the video centered on the page.

This is a demo of a drill that can be done with our Black Squares target. We feel this target's value is quite underrated and wanted to show case it, as comfort level increases with this drill it will change into your coach calling out combination like a boxing coach using the word, fight or contact as the action word(Executive)

This target can give some great training without using graphic targets and it does a great job of teaching the concept of acceptable accuracy, versus bulls eye shooting.


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