Mono-metal bullets


CGN Ultra frequent flyer
In 2010 I bought a bunch of Frontier "Game Ranger" bullets in .308 and .311, and in several weights.

I'm very happy with their design and performance, so far (I still haven't shot any game with those bullets; but that's not the fault of the bullets).

Now I need some .338" bullets an I note that Frontier makes the Spartan bullet in that size in 200, 250 and 270 grain.
I'd be most interested in the 250 grain; but would certainly try the 200 or the 270.

Any chance that you'll get some in soon?

I'd also be very interested in the .224 CMJ bullets, if the price was reasonable (as most Marstar prices are)
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I asked a similar question a while back and was told that Frontier bullets had been replaced by Berry's. Same story at the other place that used to sell them.

That'd be too bad, because the Frontier Game Ranger are in my limited experience, a class above the Berry's and Berry's has nothing comparable to the Spartan.
Seriously, the Frontier "Spartan" bullets could take a big chunk of the market from Barnes.
South African made and tested, how much better can you get?

Ok, just a necro-edit/bump.

Those Spartan bullets sure look nice!
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