Suggestion target


Im not speaking for the others, but I would like to be able to buy a silhouette target similar to the one Below. Its impossible to find one like this in Canada. I'm new to shooting. I started shooting about a year ago for work...this is a silhouette similar to the ones we use. Its great for practice.

I've considered saving a pic of a silhouette I like and bring it to Staples and have them print 50 out for me.

Do you want a spinal column connecting the strike zones?

Would you like a tee in the brain box t signify eyes and nose and provide a point if aim? Do you want an x in the heart box for a point if aim ?
You should check whether or not those are allowed at the range where you shoot. For some odd reason, silhouettes are not allowed at some ranges.

True, but with due respect, totally irrelevant to whether this specific type of target should be put together and sold by Canada Targets.
Can't shoot certain shapes at a range...

whats next...can't look at someone for longer then 1.5secs in case you offend?!?!?!
Why not use a Tombstone style as they do not conflict with the humanoid objected to at some ranges?

Please post an example of this type?

There are certain things that will have to be changed so we don't infringe on an existing copyright.

There are ways that shapes interact with other shapes and the deadspace to create a non human non silhouette, when I get to my lapto pan example I post an example. The idea is to create a Rorschach effect. I will have to check to see if we can use some thing similar to what we produced for NEA as a downloaded able target before I post it.
Canada Targets

Hey. I dealt with Aaron. Excellent product, Sunday reply, good pricing, arrived in 3 days by Canada Post. No issues, just wish I had found Canada Targets sooner.

Do you want a spinal column connecting the strike zones?

Would you like a tee in the brain box t signify eyes and nose and provide a point if aim? Do you want an x in the heart box for a point if aim ?

I would be very interested in the ops target with these suggestions, who can I contact for size and price??
My comment was directed at the OP, not Canada Targets, in case you missed the point, and the target of my response.

Yeah, I appreciate that, but at the same time Canada Targets would potentially be producing targets for more than just the OP, as indicated by the interest from others.
You are welcome to contact me directly via email: or by PM.

I will see if I can meet with my artist tonight and get something up for you all to see and get feedback on.

Thank you for the kind words we appreciate your support. Here is something we produced for NEA and we can do something similar if requested. We choose to see it as a collection of shapes, rather than anything looking like a human.

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