Your chance to own a jewel of a rifle. Inquire within.

I want to take this opportunity to remind everyone. This is the business private forum. This means people will pay the proper respect to the business as this is essentially the business store front. No respectable individual will go into a store and tell the store owner in his face his product is ugly in a demeaning manner. To do so is rude, devoided of manner and disrepectful.

Even if this is not the business forum, it takes a rude and insensitive jerk to tell someone's in his face that his rifle is ugly. Seriously, what will your reaction be, if I run up to you and tell you in your face your wife is fat, ugly and unattractive?? In an internet forum, you will get kicked out. In real life, you will get punched out.

The is the internet but this forum is private. When one signs up for an account, one agrees to a set of terms of use and the forum rules. If one refuses to respect other people, the person will be asked to leave. We don't want to hold peoples' hands - but we will if we need to.

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder... and since no price has been posted, one can only speculate. If the populace has the general opinion that my wife is fat and ugly, I have 2 choices.... I can disagree, believing that my wife is beautiful and love her for what she is.... or I can agree, stand back and say "Holy F&%^, yeah, she's a pig" and go find a new one....

OR, the POWERS THAT BE can stand up and say "YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TO YOUR OPINION, YOU WIFE IS WHAT WE SAY SHE IS" and set forth a decree that no man may say anything un-positive.

Personally, I support the reign of our superiors and agree with their infallible opinion... all others should be burned for their heresy!
the comment about if you have to ask pricing than you probably cant afford it.....well that is kinda rude......I can afford it, hell I could afford 20 of them but i would never pay that for I would ask pricing just to find out that the asking price is 5 times the price I would be will to offer... I am not saying that all the dudes hard finger bleeding work is not worth the money it sells for.......the rifle is just not worth that much to ME.......I would never spend that on a rifle that i probably would never fire. if it made my coffee and went to work for me then thats differant name the price!!
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder... and since no price has been posted, one can only speculate. If the populace has the general opinion that my wife is fat and ugly, I have 2 choices.... I can disagree, believing that my wife is beautiful and love her for what she is.... or I can agree, stand back and say "Holy F&%^, yeah, she's a pig" and go find a new one....

OR, the POWERS THAT BE can stand up and say "YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TO YOUR OPINION, YOU WIFE IS WHAT WE SAY SHE IS" and set forth a decree that no man may say anything un-positive.
Superb workmanship. A niche market no doubt; it was ordered by someone to a specific design. My father made his living as an engraver, the trade basically died in the early 60's as etching machines took over. It was the family business as he was taught by his uncle who brought the trade over with him from Scotland. It takes years to learn the trade especially at the level exhibited on this rifle. It is a financial impossibility for these people to be replaced. Business cards and trophy engraving were the bread and butter of the business; that is where the rookies started. Do that for a decade or so and you still might not be good enough to work at this level. An interesting side note is Dad can write backwards really well. A piece of art is what that rifle is, art is a subjective medium.
Some of these comments are probably made by the AR crowd who think that plastic is great because it is light weight. Hell if you want an accurate cheap rifle buy a savage. This thing is gorgous and im not old im in my 20s. It has probably takens many hours of workmanship to get a rifle to look that way. If you dont like how it looks at least appricatie the time and effort it took to make it. If you like cheap crap go look at the latest norinco. Im sure that there has been some work done to the action so it is probably much nicer to use than an average weatherby even if the accuracy is about the same. Would my tikka t3 out shoot the thing probably but if someone said they would give me either of them free i would take this one hands down it looks pretty cool in my book.
Keep in mind this is a custom rifle made to order. Wasn't intended for sale. Appreciate the workmanship. Even on the Internet no need to get nasty.

Sorry to burst your bubbles but 2 bills is the starting price for good knives. Work of art starts at more like $2k with exotic handles from (near) extinct animals or trees. I like Hattori.
...I have $200 kitchen knifes that are a work of art and everyone complains that I shouldn't be using them since they're so pretty. Screw that, its a tool. Plus, expensive quality knifes are easier to sharpen and their edge lasts way longer.
5775 views; the OP's tactic of provocatively touting this rifle like it is J.P. Morgan's yacht ("if you have to ask, you can't afford it") seems to have attracted plenty of attention as it was no doubt intended to do.

The downside of that kind of provocative tone is that it does invite people to tell you what they really think of your product.

As 99.9% of us search by "Today's Posts" or "New Posts Since Last Visit" etc., I'm not sure how anyone is supposed to notice that this thread is in some "storefront" where we are obviously invited to comment, but only invited to make nice, complimentary comments.:rolleyes:

Perhaps this kind of thread should carry a prominent warning that no comments that could be perceived as hurtful to anyone's feelings will be allowed.
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