Your chance to own a jewel of a rifle. Inquire within.

Yeah, because a 1975 Chev was HAND-CRAFTED to be one-of-a-kind, just like this rifle. :rolleyes: A better comparison would maybe be a McLaren or Bugatti.

Man there are some douche bag trolls in this thread, if you aren't considering buying it, don't post, unless it is to show respect and admiration for the work that's gone in to it. I've seen people asking more un-realistic prices on custom firearms in the exchange section, that could be duplicated. Good luck with the sale, the price is right for somebody.
can you get this one instead ?
I can definitely appreciate the custom work. To me its beautiful, if only from the standpoint that it took 2 years and its precise artistic work (but i think the actual artwork is really gorgeous too)... but this is coming from an artist, so maybe that's why.

I don't think I could shoot it... too nice! Hope someone gives it a good home!
Kinda fancy.....the way Elvis Presley's (or Liberace's) stage clothes were fancy. I wouldn't be caught dead wearing those clothes....or carrying that gun. Betcha you wouldn't see that gun for sale on the Martini and Hagen web site.
If I could convice my dad to check it out I would get him too....hes a Weatherby collector. Beautiful rifle......but I wouldn't shoot it....too pretty...thats what ugly guns are for..haha
Oh, god! The wood alone is superb, even before anything was done to it. And the bluing looks deeper than on the legendary Colt Python. If I bought it, I would never fire it. Instead I would hang it in a place of honour above my fireplace.

If I had a fireplace.
If I had a house. :(
That is tacky, overdone and shows a lot of poor taste. It's too bad if whoever did that thought he was doing something nice.
You guys can call it ugly all you want,but you're missing the big picture. Like it or not,what's indisputable about it is the real hand work that went into the finished product. Craftsmanship like that is an unfortunately dying breed,in today's disposable society.
Man there are some douche bag trolls in this thread, if you aren't considering buying it, don't post, unless it is to show respect and admiration for the work that's gone in to it. I've seen people asking more un-realistic prices on custom firearms in the exchange section, that could be duplicated. Good luck with the sale, the price is right for somebody.

Yup, you are right. It is good to see such insight from a newbie.

Oh, god! The wood alone is superb, even before anything was done to it. And the bluing looks deeper than on the legendary Colt Python. If I bought it, I would never fire it.

It is a great rifle. But... I would shoot it. I respect the gun by using the gun. This is why I have never bought one of those disposable Winchester Commemoratives (other than the one I bought that gave me my education), those silly winchesters are not shootable, I am sure this gun would be superb out on the range or on the hunt.

There are a lot of morons around. They think their time is worth $20.00 or more an hour but anyone elses' is only worth like $2.00.
It's a beautiful gun, but I wouldn't want it. I wouldn't be able to resist the urge to shoot it, and there goes the value.
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