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No difference really between the cz and the vz so why would they pick on one and not the other.
If they take one they will take them all. Just one at a time.

"no difference you say " And how did you arrive at this conclusion, were you one of the importers ?? That is like saying there is no difference between apple and oranges, they are both fruit....
Oh, that is not the case.

The VZ is entirely new production, while the CZ is built using some surplus parts. Then, there is the tab, the finish, etc...

Another expert, please let me know your sources on this one ?? As this is the first time I am made aware of this informaton, which I know to be incorrect.... But then again we were only the importer/distributor....
RICK 911;
"Apparently the reclassification only affects the CZ 858, and not the CSA VZ58. The person I spoke to was very very certain of this."

Since you seem to have an "inside source" may I suggest you put up your money, order in some, attempt to clear them, and sell them, you would certainly profit by the venture....
Dear RCMP...Either give me a prohib licence or give me a wad of fat cash otherwise i'll show you my nuts and you can suck on them because there is no way your taking mine from me for nothing. Viva the death of the long gun registry!
I am a bit baffled here. Is there a more comprehensive source of info and background on this situation?

There must be many thousands of cz58 and csa 858s in Canada... am I to understand that ALL of them are going to be made prohib?!!!

What is the justification for this?
I am a bit baffled here. Is there a more comprehensive source of info and background on this situation?

There must be many thousands of cz58 and csa 858s in Canada... am I to understand that ALL of them are going to be made prohib?!!!

What is the justification for this?
They don't need justification.
John, I was wondering, do the larger suppliers like yourself discuss among each other all these heavy handed government movements? As I see it, the more and more they take away from the public, the less material you guys have to make a profit with. I would not presume to know what kind of liquid assets those in the Canadian firearms industry have but has it ever been discussed between several of you about injecting funds into a pool for the Solomon Friedman's to represent the industry against government? Is there a fear of getting dealer licenses pulled if industry rattles the cage too much?

I just feel that we are going to be left with muskets and bows only if we don't start working as one and getting the general gun community to band together is like herding cats but the industry suppliers and manufacturers are already inherently organized and linked together.
Dear RCMP...Either give me a prohib licence or give me a wad of fat cash otherwise i'll show you my nuts and you can suck on them because there is no way your taking mine from me for nothing. Viva the death of the long gun registry!

It is always instructive and refreshing to read such eloquent post here in our forum....
We all know you are a tough guy, but really, can you not express yourself in such a way as to offer your opinion rather than your desire for some pervert ### act ?? If you can't come up with anything, ask your mommy, perhaps she could assist you

First time poster long time reader and long time customer .... John, is there ANY chance of this whole mess having a positive outcome for these great rifles ?
John, I was wondering, do the larger suppliers like yourself discuss among each other all these heavy handed government movements? As I see it, the more and more they take away from the public, the less material you guys have to make a profit with. I would not presume to know what kind of liquid assets those in the Canadian firearms industry have but has it ever been discussed between several of you about injecting funds into a pool for the Solomon Friedman's to represent the industry against government? Is there a fear of getting dealer licenses pulled if industry rattles the cage too much?

I just feel that we are going to be left with muskets and bows only if we don't start working as one and getting the general gun community to band together is like herding cats but the industry suppliers and manufacturers are already inherently organized and linked together.

This is something I would like to know also! You guys seem to be "secretive" about this? Is it just about profit?
I got some news regarding the reclassification of the VZ58 (this is from an insider in the industry):

Apparently the reclassification only affects the CZ 858, and not the CSA VZ58. The person I spoke to was very very certain of this. This is affirmed in the following areas:
1. This document mentions "CZ858" explicitly: http://static.globalnews.ca/content/interactives/documents/general_news_bucket/A-2012-00068.PDF
2. The CZ858 can no longer be found anywhere in Canada (this has been my experience, and doing Google searches comes up empty on any sources of this rifle), but the CSA VZ 58 continues to be plentiful. In fact I have one currently on order. Wolverine Supplies (explicitly mentioned in the document above) is the distributor of the CZ 858 rifle and they have not had stock for months now, whereas I know for a fact that the CSA VZ 58 rifle shipments have been coming in during that time.

ps. the chrome lined CSA VZ 58 Non restricted are in the country.

What reclassification? Nobody has said anything about reclassifying the CZ-858. NOBODY. The document that you are referring to is a 3 year old memo and in that three years NOTHING HAS BENE DONE. Indeed, what it looks like is that the RCMP looked at it with an eye to reclassifying it and could not do it - thus they want cabinet to do it for them. There is not one single solitary smidgen of evidence to contradict any of that or to support what you stated. NOTHING.
It is always instructive and refreshing to read such eloquent post here in our forum....
We all know you are a tough guy, but really, can you not express yourself in such a way as to offer your opinion rather than your desire for some pervert ### act ?? If you can't come up with anything, ask your mommy, perhaps she could assist you


I haven't heard anyone else say this so I will......John you're starting to sound like a bit of a ####. This forum is here for us to express our comments, thoughts, rants, raves, and #####ing. You have no right to start sniping at people in such a manner especially as you are a sponsoring business. If you don't like what is being said, don't read it, and sure as hell don't be firing back such idiotic comments to people who could be current or potential customers. Not professional, and because of that I will never be a customer of yours.
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