Zombie splatter fun.

Canada Targets

Expired Business
Saskatoon, Sk

This is a seagons' fruit used to give a fun splatter effect. Photo provided from the guys over at Funker tactical.

Video coming soon.
On a side note, at my range, I had one executive tell me I can shoot juice jugs if I put them into the gong boxes. Then I had another executive tell me I could not, that's it's against the CFO rules.
i took my wife shooting for the first time at my ranges annual pumpkin shoot. she shot my hk usp 45 that day with hollowpoints for the first time. She said she loved it and said its much more fun than shooting at paper targets. I agree with her, because reactive targets such as pumpkins, watermellons, full pop cans etc, offer so much more confidence building when it comes to new shooters.
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