Quote Originally Posted by Toadman View Post
You have to remember that you are dealing with the government and "logic" goes right out the window with these guys!!
Letīs say I joined a club, I renew my license and next day the club closes down....Are all in limbo? Are we legal or ilegal? Letīs say
your membership expires the day after you renew your license and you go on vacation for 6 months...and you want to rejoin the club when coming back....Legal or ilegal? After all we would have a rstricted firearm without membership...Whan the club, for whatever the reason closes down... do we all have to run to get rid of our restricted guns because we would be ilegal? How come a license can be renewed for 5 years without the assurance that you will be a member for 5 years? If you cancel your membership does the cllub or range notify the CFO and subsequently he will cancel your license until you prove you are a member somewhere else?