James River Armory M1 Garands

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To all those that were thinking of buying one of the Garands. STOP thinking and just buy. I could not have asked for more when I got mine afew months ago. The fit,the finish....everything was and still is perfect after 300rds.
Were trying to 'buy'....Its just a waiting game right now (as its has been since August)...Its killin' me:)

To all those that were thinking of buying one of the Garands. STOP thinking and just buy. I could not have asked for more when I got mine afew months ago. The fit,the finish....everything was and still is perfect after 300rds.
I have a feeling a lot of us are be gonna be missing out on this one...sounds like it's a very small shipment..last one was only four ? I've already asked to be put on the list for the next batch if there is one...fingers crossed. At least they know there's no shortage of buyers so hopefully they get to work on the next order : )
I have a feeling a lot of us are be gonna be missing out on this one...sounds like it's a very small shipment..last one was only four ? I've already asked to be put on the list for the next batch if there is one...fingers crossed. At least they know there's no shortage of buyers so hopefully they get to work on the next order : )

Where did you sign up to get on the batch list?
Load it and #### it three times and you're good.

You can't do this! This would be like taking your plug out of your shotgun for duck hunting and only putting in 3 shells. If you get caught with the ABILITY to have more than the maximum allowed for hunting you're screwed! If you live in a Province that only allows 5 for hunting, then you must buy or make 5 round only enblocs. In Ontario, it is fully permissible to hunt with the full 8 round enbloc as per below.

The ON. the hunting regs. refer you to the federal firearms regs. for ammo capacity. In the Federal regs., the Garand is specifically stated as being exempt from the 5 round max. for semi-auto centre fire and therefore in ON. it is totally legal for you to hunt with a full 8 round enbloc!!

From page 23 of the new 2012-2013 Ontario hunting regulations:

"Under the Criminal Code of Canada you cannot possess any clip/magazine that holds more than five shots for a semi-automatic centre fire non-restricted firearm unless that clip/magazine has been specifically exempted, pursuant to the Firearms Regulations."

From the Canadian Firearms Regulations, Specifically"Regulations Prescribing Certain Firearms and other Weapons, Components and Parts of Weapons, Accessories, Cartridge Magazines, Ammunition and Projectiles as Prohibited or Restricted"



"3. (1) Any cartridge magazine

(a) that is capable of containing more than five cartridges of the type for which the magazine was originally designed and that is designed or manufactured for use in..........snip.....

(b) that is capable of containing more than 10 cartridges of the type for which the magazine was originally designed and that is designed or manufactured for use in a semi-automatic handgun that is commonly available in Canada.

(2) Paragraph (1)(a) does not include any cartridge magazine that

(a) was originally designed or manufactured for use in a firearm that

(i) is chambered for, or designed to use, rimfire cartridges,

(ii) is a rifle of the type commonly known as the “Lee Enfield” rifle, where the magazine is capable of containing not more than 10 cartridges of the type for which the magazine was originally designed, or

(iii) is commonly known as the U.S. Rifle M1 (Garand) including the Beretta M1 Garand rifle, the Breda M1 Garand rifle and the Springfield Armoury M1 Garand rifle;

All that legal nonsense basically exempts the M1 Garand from having to be modified to only hold 5 rounds for shooting (all Provinces) and for hunting in Ontario and possibly others.

Therefore, it is fully legal to have 8 rounds out in the bush for deer hunting in Ontario. There are other provinces that strictly state in their hunting regulations that you can only have 5 rounds in a semi-auto, center fire rifle no matter what. That is where the 5 rounders are needed and are useful!

Sorry for the long winded posting, but I thought that I would give you the actual links and proof, rather than just someone once told me kind of info.

When I take an M1 out in the bush for deer, I have a copy of the hunting regulations with me and this page from the firearms regulations as well. That way any CO that stops you and has no idea of what a Garand even is, can read and see that you know what you are talking about and that it is perfectly legal. This info. may save you from having a really s**tty hunting trip if you are ever stopped for a check-up!
The shipment just cleared and landed on Friday morning, ive sent out e-mail to those who asked to be notified. If you haven't received an e-mail check your Spam or junk folder, sometimes they get stuck in there. If there are any available after the pre-orders i will post here this afternoon!! We received both James River Garands and 1903A4's....They are beautiful!!


Nice gun but a little pricey for me right now.

Yeah, agree. I picked up a REALLY nice Enfield No4 Mk1 a few weeks back and it was a quarter of the price of this rifle....Oh Well, I'm nearly 50 and I've been working since I was 16, so I'm getting to the stage of throwing caution to the wind...I'm hoping this rifle will easily outlive me and will end up still being something my boys will take to the range with their kids..:))
Picked mine up today....cannot believe I managed to get one. This thing is flawless...seriously, just beautiful.

The boys at Wanstalls showed me the 1903 too...absolutely gorgeous, if I wasn't waiting for pop to leave me his I would have grabbed one of those too......and been divorced shortly after :cool:

I can't stop picking it up...smells soooo good

pics coming as soon as I get them uploaded
Agree...The walnut stock has got a really nice smell about it. I've had everyone putting there noses on the butt stock:) I'll be at Mission range tomorrow for a test run..:))

Picked mine up today....cannot believe I managed to get one. This thing is flawless...seriously, just beautiful.

The boys at Wanstalls showed me the 1903 too...absolutely gorgeous, if I wasn't waiting for pop to leave me his I would have grabbed one of those too......and been divorced shortly after :cool:

I can't stop picking it up...smells soooo good

pics coming as soon as I get them uploaded
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