14.5mm/20mm rifles

Wait... so you mean that this kind of stuff doesn't turn guys off?

OK, I gotta ask.
What do you do for a living?
Because what I do doesnt seem to be doing it.

PS, 20x138B means either Lahti L39 or Solothurn S-1000. Which is it?
Lahti, conditional offer based on components being able to be imported.

I like guns that work.

I have answered this many times, but again, I do high end exterior stone and woodworking. Between the family collection ( all of my family has a license, and is interested in firearms.) it pays the bills and keeps new stuff rolling in.
I hope I wasnt being too nosy...

Anyway, enjoy the Lahti. I've had a thing for them ever since reading an article on them many years ago.
I got a chance to fire one at a full auto shoot in Albany OR a few years ago.
take a look at the size comparison between the 20mm lahti round and the .50 bmg its like .223 vs .22 LR lol. Would be cool to fire a round with a larger case capacity than the rounds fired from the CF-18 fighter jet (20mm vulcan)
I saw earlier in this thread the comment "doubt the US will let them out" in reference to the 20mm Anzio. However, on Anzio's webpage, they have a blinking little icon that says "WE EXPORT".

Sooo... any chance of perhaps bringing the Anzio 20mm (mag-fed) in?

(Been a year since the last post here... I'm hoping Tactical Imports will still respond)

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