Marstar Guns in Movies

My buddy at North Sylva told me many of the guns in Shoot 'Em Up w/Clive Owen - shot in Toronto, were supplied by NS :)
"just curiuos as how you can provide exotic stuff on short notice when certain products seem to be out of stock or circling the globe on a boat (italian m14) for over a year? "

Do you really think we put our domestic as well as foreign inventory on our site ??
as for the Italian M-14, have you bothered to read my posts on that ??

I don't mind replying to intelligent questions, can we keep it that way ?
John make a book already. There is a serious lack of reputable and respectable literature on the topic of modern firearms industry. Do it for the gun nutz all over the world. IT'S YOUR DUTY! :p :p :p
John, don't make a book! Make a movie!! What you have been through to bring firearms and accessories to law abiding Canadian firearms enthusiasts is deserving of at least a non CBC documentary.
And I would love to know how you orchestrated bringing in the VZ58 to Canada, that would be my favorite part.
"just curiuos as how you can provide exotic stuff on short notice when certain products seem to be out of stock or circling the globe on a boat (italian m14) for over a year? "

Do you really think we put our domestic as well as foreign inventory on our site ??
as for the Italian M-14, have you bothered to read my posts on that ??

I don't mind replying to intelligent questions, can we keep it that way ?
Please, do not tell us your story has already been adapted in Lord of War !

A friend was spitballing the idea of a prop company... how hard is that to start up? What kind of licensing? For the booming film industry out here on the prairies...:rolleyes:
The first thing to do is speak with your provincial CFO, he can direct you as to the conditions and requirements....

Depending on how seriously you want to get involved you will need knowledgeable staff, and very deep pockets....

Remember the movie industry is up and down with the economy, one year you might have more work than you can handle, the next you have nothing....

One would assume that as any supplier of such material and services you would carry the appropriate insurance.... I know the people we supply ALL have huge policies....All part of being in the business.

Actually I am one of the people you supply, I was merely trying to drive home the point you made (and a very valid one at that) about needing knowledgeable staff, if you don't have the knowledge or experience yourself that is a absolute must. All the insurance in the world will not make the legal costs or hassles go away, it is something in the back of most reputable gun wranglers minds.

Being in a hurry this morning I didn't have much time to get into much detail so I apologize for the vague post.
WRANGLER4867 further on PAT BASTID;

You are quite right, we see this every day, "I want to get into the business" While I admire and encourage people to get involved in the firearms business, be it import, export, retail, wholesale, motion picture, etc, etc.... This trade is a very cruel mistress, it will show you no mercy....

I must say I have enjoyed the business over the past almost 30 years, I have been lucky, have met a lot of fine people, however it IS risky. If one wants to get into the firearms business consider it like going to the casino, look at each deal with the attitude of "can I afford to lose this money" ??

If you have to borrow a lot of money to open your shop, think twice unless you already have customers lined up....

And last but not least, find your staff first, know the abilities they have, otherwise you could be left holding an empty bag.... There are many "wanna bes" out there but unfortunately you can't hire a 25 year old expert with 30 years experience....

Not a touchy subject, just a very dangerous event in the history of our company.... Would not wish it on anybody.
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WRANGLER4867 further on PAT BASTID;

You are quite right, we see this every day, "I want to get into the business" While I admire and encourage people to get involved in the firearms business, be it import, export, retail, wholesale, motion picture, etc, etc.... This trade is a very cruel mistress, it will show you no mercy....

I must say I have enjoyed the business over the past almost 30 years, I have been lucky, have met a lot of fine people, however it IS risky. If one wants to get into the firearms business consider it like going to the casino, look at each deal with the attitude of "can I afford to lose this money" ??

If you have to borrow a lot of money to open your shop, think twice unless you already have customers lined up....

And last but not least, find your staff first, know the abilities they have, otherwise you could be left holding an empty bag.... There are many "wanna bes" out there but unfortunately you can't hire a 25 year old expert with 30 years experience....


I would call this sound advice for starting ANY business...
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