New payment option coming

Canada Targets

Expired Business
Saskatoon, Sk
We are in the process of setting up an alternative to (FRAUD ALERT) as a payment option. Some of you have mentioned that you prefer to not use (FRAUD ALERT) for a few different reasons.

Over the next few weeks we will be setting up google checkout as an alternative. Please bare with us as we want to make make the process just as easy for you as it is for us.

Plus, I think I heard something about (FRAUD ALERT) having some kind of ridiculous anti-gun policy or something. Can anyone confirm this?
(FRAUD ALERT) is anti gun.
more importantly they have terrible customer service and security.
you should take payments in the form of online debit, and emt.
you don't need anything else to be competitive or impressive. just emt and online debit.
We already accept EMT. Our challenge is integrating it with our invoicing system, so we don't need to manually enter everything. We are working with new interfacing that offers a lot More options.

In the mean time if win to order with us and wish to us and EMT please contact us via email for pricing.


Plus, I think I heard something about (FRAUD ALERT) having some kind of ridiculous anti-gun policy or something. Can anyone confirm this?

Maybe , maybe not, its none of their business what we buy, ive never had one problem with pay pal, bought numerous guns, parts etc and no sweat, ultra secure, you just gotta be smart enough to purchase "merchandise", not "gun parts" or "ruger mini 14"

Its very good in my books

If we selectively deal with gun people we will have less and less places to shop, i can go out and find an anti anywhere in five minutes, just be smart
^^^ummm....I sold a block of walnut to a guy...a rectangular chunk of wood.

He intended to carve a stock for a Remington 700 benchrest rifle out of it.

In the payment line he wrote "wood for rem 6mm"

They siezed both of our accounts, and it took a MONTH and two letters from our lawyers before they released our accounts/money (it was a few grand in there)
^^^ummm....I sold a block of walnut to a guy...a rectangular chunk of wood.

He intended to carve a stock for a Remington 700 benchrest rifle out of it.

In the payment line he wrote "wood for rem 6mm"

They siezed both of our accounts, and it took a MONTH and two letters from our lawyers before they released our accounts/money (it was a few grand in there)

LOL hilarious... sickening actually.

I would go with EMT, but that's just my opinion. If I was a retailer, I wouldn't want to pay fees to (FRAUD ALERT). This could also keep the prices down for the consumers by doing EMT. maybe I'm wrong, but EMT is being used by more and more retailers, it's secure and just damn well works :D
We will just find a better way to process EMT, for those that want it, and continue offering (FRAUD ALERT) to those that want it.

The fees through (FRAUD ALERT) are minor, the benefit is solid, secure shopping cart and an automated invoicing system.
Say no to (FRAUD ALERT)!

We will just find a better way to process EMT, for those that want it, and continue offering (FRAUD ALERT) to those that want it.

The fees through (FRAUD ALERT) are minor, the benefit is solid, secure shopping cart and an automated invoicing system.

Aaron, none of that matters.

(FRAUD ALERT) is ANTI gun, and if they get a whiff of your activities, and your business model, they will freeze your account and block your funds.

I wanted to make a purchase today, but will NOT do it over (FRAUD ALERT).

Then, I tried to get phone number from your website, in order to phone in my order and use credit card or EMT.

I was unsuccessful.

If you want to do business with me, would you please PM me contact number?
What alot of people miss about using (FRAUD ALERT) (anti gun or not) is that there is built in protection for buyers that no other payment method has. EMT is easy and private and I have no issue using it to by from a business like Canada Targets. But dealing with individuals is far more risky. Especially when they live across the country. If you pay via EMT, your money is theirs... there is no way to get it back if the item you get isnt as described or is broken or if it doesnt show up at all. There is NO reason to inform (FRAUD ALERT) of WHAT your buying when making a payment. Just that its a purchase of "goods". Nuff said and your protected.

I use EMT on this forum ONLY and ive never been comfortable with it. So far, I havent been ripped off... unfortunately I cant say that for other forums.
Well that's your choice, I wasn't debating your your reasoning nor did I quote you ... oh .. lol.

Persons can use any form of payment they want as long as it's option and don't refer to any firearm related items while using such a service like (FRAUD ALERT)!

Do you donate money to the Coalition for Gun Control and/or the NDP party as well?

In case your sarcasm detector is broken, dumbed down it means "I won't use/support (FRAUD ALERT) strictly on principal"

Oh yeah....and
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