PPS-43 by Pioneer Arms Corp located in Poland

Not sure if this has been asked elsewhere but I see the same company offers the pm63 and its a closed bolt semi auto, any chance can we get those in canada or has the rcmp already classified them? we already have its cousin (BRS-99)

Id much rather have a fixed welded stock and keep it NR than having it a restricted.

Also very interested in their hammer shotguns.

Welding the stock wouldn't matter unless it was a 22LR, centerfire goes by barrel length
keep dreaming guys. I like this one but hey, lets face the reality

Well they gave us the BRS-99... don't see why they wouldn't not give us the 43....

If only the RCMP could see this...

It will be restricted due to barrel length. Since the original mag was designed for rifle, welding stock will do nothing but bring the cost up (cost of welding) and make rifle an ugly version of "pistol" as defined by US law. If you have to bring it, you need new frame, semi-auto only, and proper stock.
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