SKS Troubleshooting

Sounds like you might need to send the tab inward abit to increase the tension on the locking bumps. Not alot of bend just so it's got another mm of pressure on it
File down the ATI hand guard. Is there a gap between the hand guard and the stock?

As for the locking mechanism, when its all the way up, bend it in a bit so it holds tighter.
Don't listen to someone who say's "Don't buy Chinese".

Especially if they go buy Chinese iPods, tools, and gun accessories afterward. When I was researching the modern 1911s to decide which to get I found most collectors who own Norincos along with Colts and Kimbers consider the Chinese gun the most reliable and sturdy of all. I hear Americans say buy one for anything under $600, when they can get a Shooter Arms Manufacturing 1911 from the Philippines for $250.
yes don't change out that ####ty wooden stock with a LOP too short for froto. If your 4'9" it should be quite comfortable. Oh yes... you might hurt the collectibility of your one in 40 million SKS...don't get me wrong i love my Russian with it's sand colored as heck.
Hand guard needs filling down, i had he same issue and read up on it. The tabs on the hand guard where made a little long to accomadate all "kinds" of sks's. So a little custom fit is necessary. If u need pics say so and ill post a few.
There is nothing wrong with the Chinese SKS's. Some variances in fit and finish should be expected as they were assembled and fitted largely by hand. I'm willing to bet that if you put it all back together in its original stock the issue will go away. If not, I think those who said to take a little off the composite stock are probably right. I have had to lightly file/sand the contact areas to get a secure but workable fit. Lastly you don't want your gas tube fitting super tight; having it thus will encourage vertical stringing. They were meant to fit a "little" on the loose side.
PS-For the money I can't think of any other mil-surp that you can shoot as cheaply, switch to commercial ammo, and then go take deer or other similar sized game. The Lee-Enfield filled that niche years ago, now we have the SKS.
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nice to see a fellow Saskabush here, I do not live there now but grew up there and love it dearly.

Yes I would love to see the pictures, and I for the others, I did not buy the SKS for collectability, I bought it for the fun factor. If anyone out there had ever fired a Canadian Military C1 or c7/8, will know what I am talking about. the SKS has no recoil to talk about, if anyone finds them to have excesive recoil, try an FN FAL, plenty of recoil but I still loved them.

Love this new rifle and with 1400 rounds of ammo to go through, I will have lots of fun at the range. I might even buy another one, has anyone ever bought the sVT-40, what are they like, it looks nice to.

thanks for your post, I found it to be quite informative. replacing the original handgaurd stock will rectify the problem as the problem didn't exist before. I want the new stock on it, looks cool with it. I own a 303 british as well and thats my deer rifle, do you think the sks can take a deer down at 300 yards?

thanks for the great post.
Its your SKS, no-one can say what is right or proper except for you. With some fiddling I'm sure you can get rid of that little gremlin. As for taking game at 300 yards? According to Wikipedia and many other sources, the 7.62x39 cartridge is in the same class as the 30-30. The 30-30 can and has taken most game in North America. BUT, thats not to say it should be used as such; with proper bullet placement, perfect angles, and the right choice of rounds I'm sure both the 30-30 and the 7.62x39 can take lots of game. The shortcoming is in the range. I'm no ballistician but according to those more experienced than I, the x39 round should be limited to 200 yards +/- and under, much like the 30-30. In my opinion you have a better all around deer rifle with your .303. The SKS would probably make a great woods rifle or for when you know the ranges will be within 200 yards, prefferably less.
Hand guard needs filling down, i had he same issue and read up on it. The tabs on the hand guard where made a little long to accomadate all "kinds" of sks's. So a little custom fit is necessary. If u need pics say so and ill post a few.

Hello fellow reginan! I live in Manitoba now but queen city is my hometown. I would love to see pic
I did file it down till I almost had no more front face' did you have this same problem?
Hey big moe,
Was revisiting this thread and wondering if you've fiddled with your SKS anymore. I'd be interested in hearing how you did and what you did to make your SKS shoot better; after all, thats how we get that "insight". When all works as it should you should go out and shoot it at known distances out to @300m to get a feel for what it'll do as well as bullet drop. Try the same with commercial hunting ammo, too. THEN, go get a crate or two of surplus ammo and have at 'er!!
PS- post some pics, can't have too many pics of SKS's!!

Hey big moe,
Was revisiting this thread and wondering if you've fiddled with your SKS anymore. I'd be interested in hearing how you did and what you did to make your SKS shoot better; after all, thats how we get that "insight". When all works as it should you should go out and shoot it at known distances out to @300m to get a feel for what it'll do as well as bullet drop. Try the same with commercial hunting ammo, too. THEN, go get a crate or two of surplus ammo and have at 'er!!
PS- post some pics, can't have too many pics of SKS's!!

sorry for taking so long to reply, I put the new latch in and peaned it into place, then I took my time to file down the piece at the front that is beveled. the rifle is now latching and I have not had a chance to take it out and fire, but the latch is much tighter. Thanks to everyone that helped.
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