History of the m14s/m305 from Marstar- John, how about filling us in?

and the wait continues, if I was a betting man, and I am not, unless you count the odd lottery ticket, I'd say you will see the M14 m305 in by June 2013. I will repeat I am not taking any bets on this just my guess. Go Notre Dame Go
I have one that I bought in 2002 from P&D for $695 if memory serves me correct , Marstar didn't have any (did Marstar supply them ?) that is stamped
M14 .308
Great rifle . I scoped it and used it moose hunting one year . Took down my moose at near 300 yds . Can't beat that . It's just like the one canuck has in his post but with the Chu wood and long slotted flash hider . Gotta love this rifle .
Can anyone give me some history on this from the info I've given , production date for instance ?
All the best
I have one that I bought in 2002 from P&D for $695 if memory serves me correct , Marstar didn't have any (did Marstar supply them ?) that is stamped
M14 .308
Great rifle . I scoped it and used it moose hunting one year . Took down my moose at near 300 yds . Can't beat that . It's just like the one canuck has in his post but with the Chu wood and long slotted flash hider . Gotta love this rifle .
Can anyone give me some history on this from the info I've given , production date for instance ?
All the best

CJA = "China Jing An"
well, i have one from way back when that's marked AL 000###- al stands for ALAN LEVER- that would be back about 88 or so- it's a BLUED number, and you can see where the bayonet lug and the f/a selector switch were milled off- they also screwed with the scope mount hole to appease the americans

Can you and others who have older models of the Norc M14's post some pics?!

I would love to see some pics of the '80's models as I have never laid eyes on one.

It would be much appreciated.
i just sold receiver, serial number A000*0 to a member here, had no scope mount detail at all and a very slick finish. had the set screw hole and also had the hole in right side receiver lug like the usgi ones. maybe that member can post a pic or two.
I also was fortunate enough to get my mitts on several unmarked chinese receivers as well as 2 other allan lever early imports with serial numbers under 00100 :D
very cool thread :rockOn:

Long story short, We have a container of M-305 rifles being held in a foreign port snce earlt November, we are awaiting its release....
EOS; "CJA = "China Jing An" "

I hate to contradict you, these receivers were made for a Chinese based importer in Michigan, when the ban came up in the US and they could no longer ship there they were put in storage at the factory.... There were others as well....
Years later we purchased thousnds of these receivers and had them built into rifles. for sale here in Canada
i would love to see more rifles like the ones that came with the 2007 import stamp. as far as building custom rifles goes..... when it comes to chinese receivers... they are some of the nicest to build on
John - do you know the story behind the Norinco M-14S 'kits' that were sold around the late 90's? You had to assemble the parts onto the receiver, all major assemblies were together - t group/barrel assy, etc. but you had to fit everything - S.I.R. had them for about 1/2 price of an assembled one.

Would be great to see "project" kits like these made available again. ..even without the 50% discount vs. assembled. haha.

The reason Marstar does not offer kit guns of any type is simple....

With our warranty policy we be inviting problems

i just sold receiver, serial number A000*0 to a member here, had no scope mount detail at all and a very slick finish. had the set screw hole and also had the hole in right side receiver lug like the usgi ones. maybe that member can post a pic or two.
I also was fortunate enough to get my mitts on several unmarked chinese receivers as well as 2 other allan lever early imports with serial numbers under 00100 :D
very cool thread :rockOn:

As requested...the finish almost looks to me like black oxide. Cool receiver.

I've also got a few unmarked ones... I like em better than the chinese shop class electropencil markings :)



I just picked up a used M-14 Norinco marked Bell Lifestyle.CA . It came in a baby poop brown stock that is kind of peeling and greenish underneath. I have never heard of this name or seen this kind of stock. Anyone know what I have ? I hope this is close to being on the topic of this thread.
Bell lifestyles is a HUGE company that deals in importing and wholesaling sporting goods. dealt with them extensively in the sports fishing industry.
the Bell Lifestyles m14/m305 rifles are the same, some are also marked polytech instead of norinco..... again, same rifle, just a different "marketting company" in china and imported/wholesaled by Bell lifestyles here in canada.
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