TNW Aero Survival Rifle: Are you guys bringing these in?

Crash course, how does this work again?

Is it, "look, if I screw this NR barrel on it, it then an NR rifle, so it doesn't matter if I swap out the barrel to an R barrel, because if I put the NR barrel on it, it's all good"?

If that is the case, do you need to carry your NR barrel with you at all times? I can't see an officer being happy with that sort of logic if the NR wasn't around. Heck, I can't see and officer being happy with that sort of logic even if the NR barrel was around.

It doesn't work and is illegal.
Of course, the .22 barrel they are planning for it could be less than 18.5 inches. ;)

True, guess I should have said center fire semi autos. but regardless, switching to a restricted barrel without re registering etc is no less illegal simply because you have one non-restricted barrel laying around.
It doesn't work and is illegal.

You can legally make a non restricted firearm restricted and back. You have 30 days to report any change to the firearm that changes the Classification of it. Meaning you screw the restricted barrel on you call on the 29 day and ask them to change it they will. If you want to change it back they might ask for you to have the firearm verfied you take it to someone who can do that they verfiy that there is a non restricted barrel length on it and it gets changed. Thats it...

Now here is the tricky part some people do this.. They leave the non restricted barrel on the firearm because once it changes you need a authorization to transport. So they leave it non restricted head to the range put on the restricted barrel and before leaveing they switch it back that way they shoot at the range with a restricted firearm and don't have to go through the hassle of getting paper work to take it out because it's non restricted in transport....
You can legally make a non restricted firearm restricted and back. You have 30 days to report any change to the firearm that changes the Classification of it. Meaning you screw the restricted barrel on you call on the 29 day and ask them to change it they will. If you want to change it back they might ask for you to have the firearm verfied you take it to someone who can do that they verfiy that there is a non restricted barrel length on it and it gets changed. Thats it...

Now here is the tricky part some people do this.. They leave the non restricted barrel on the firearm because once it changes you need a authorization to transport. So they leave it non restricted head to the range put on the restricted barrel and before leaveing they switch it back that way they shoot at the range with a restricted firearm and don't have to go through the hassle of getting paper work to take it out because it's non restricted in transport....

You refer to this as "Tricky".
Is it LEGAL to do this?
I dont have any swap-barrel guns, so I havent paid close attention to this Rest/Non-R stuff.
You refer to this as "Tricky".
Is it LEGAL to do this?
I dont have any swap-barrel guns, so I havent paid close attention to this Rest/Non-R stuff.

It is not clarified in law. Just ask yourself how a liberal judge would rule on that one.....
To change calibres, do you replace the entire bolt, or just a small bolt head?
At about 3 minutes in the video, he mentions the bolt and carrier, but at about 3;15 it looks like one big honking bolt.
My idea of a clever quick swap system would be one bolt with several swap-able head inserts, cut to fit
9x19, 40S&W, 45ACP, and perhaps even 7.62x25 Tok
(I'm not sure if the recoil impulse of x25 Tok is comparable to the other 3. Anyone know for sure?)
Let's try not to derail this thread too much, there is a lot of other information on this forum about the nuances of firearms regulations. We will be lucky if the TNW ASR classifies as non restricted, if you want a restricted firearm there are a lot of better options already on the market. I don't see the application for a restricted ASR when it would be competing directly with firearms like the CX4, USC, AR, XCR Pistol, Famae etc. Most people want to convert these to NR and not the other way around.
To change calibres, do you replace the entire bolt, or just a small bolt head?
At about 3 minutes in the video, he mentions the bolt and carrier, but at about 3;15 it looks like one big honking bolt.
My idea of a clever quick swap system would be one bolt with several swap-able head inserts, cut to fit
9x19, 40S&W, 45ACP,
and perhaps even 7.62x25 Tok
(I'm not sure if the recoil impulse of x25 Tok is comparable to the other 3. Anyone know for sure?)

Guess you should sue JR then cause they must have stolen your idea ! :D
To change calibres, do you replace the entire bolt, or just a small bolt head?
At about 3 minutes in the video, he mentions the bolt and carrier, but at about 3;15 it looks like one big honking bolt.
My idea of a clever quick swap system would be one bolt with several swap-able head inserts, cut to fit
9x19, 40S&W, 45ACP, and perhaps even 7.62x25 Tok
(I'm not sure if the recoil impulse of x25 Tok is comparable to the other 3. Anyone know for sure?)

The 7.62x25 are hot rounds and they pack a punch. Better than the 9x19 recoil.

But my point of view is the same as yours. If you head to the range and change the barrel over there and after, you change it back to his non-restricted status when leaving the shooting range, you should be ok.
It's only if you want to keep your restricted barrel on and leave the range with it, that you have 30 days to notify them:

Edit: Mods don't want us talking about this.

Me, I don't really care about multiple barrels, or some silly backpack. Just get these selling in Canada for a sub $600 price tag and I will happy.
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So, the way I read this is that the 30-day grace period is only really applicable to using the firearm at the range? In otherwords, this little quick barrel switcheroo from NR to R would not work in a hunting environment, since that's not the range, and you can't be off the range with an R?

Sort of puts the damper on the multi-barrel, some NR and some R, idea, at least in Canada.

Me, I don't really care about multiple barrels, or some silly backpack. Just get these selling in Canada for a sub $600 price tag and I will happy.
That's why I understand too... Shooting restricted barrels at shooting ranges only, not on hunting or plinking at the local sand pit with friends! ;)
Have fun in jail....

Never seen anyone done some jail for a firearm status offence... This is not the case where jail would be the sentence. :rolleyes:

Jail is more for negligent use of a firearm by rendering it a prohibited weapon or like when people are unpinning their capped magazines, or using supressors, or converting to full-auto, etc

And even then...

If the person don't have any priors, he would not do any jail and only lose his possession of firearms for 10 years (unrestricted) and for life (restricted)
See: C.c Art.109 (2) a) ii) b) ( )

Edited to comply per CGN Rules.

Oh.... that soo much better. I have a problem with idiots giving terrible advice to other gun owners on a public forum. There is no situation in which a police officer sees you with an unregistered restricted firearm and you aren't arrested and charged.
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Oh.... that soo much better. I have a problem with idiots giving terrible advice to other gun owners on a public forum. There is no situation in which a police officer sees you with an unregistered restricted firearm and you aren't arrested and charged.

I don't think you're telling me I'm an idiot, don't you?

Oh and by the way, first sentence of the advice I gave to "haha49" was: "You should contact the CFC-RCMP as it's a grey section of the law."
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