CZ 858 .22LR Conversion kit. SALE SPECIAL


Sorry to hear that these are not working out for you, but your loss is my gain.

I lusted for one of these when I first heard about them, but the price point was a bit steep for me. Now that you are liquidating them, I can justify getting one, so I have placed an order. I am particularly happy to be getting both barrels, since I have a long barreled 858 (bought from you when they first came in), and I intend to get a restricted length at some point.

Looking forward to trying it out once it arrives.

Do you still intend to bring in extra mags?
Has anybody done an accuracy report on these? I mean, firing a cheap .22LR with every pull of the trigger is fun, but only if I can hit what I'm shooting at. Just curious... I might pick on up, if it is more accurate than my CMMG AR conversion thing.
So I picked up my kit today. It arrived on Friday but I couldn't get to my mailbox to pick it up until today. I have taken it out and given it a good cleaning, and installed it.

As I was warned in one of the earlier posts from Wolverine, one of the mags was a bit baffed, but just a bit of chipped paint. The mag inserts are really quite well thought out, and if you got the innards, you could easily use your own original mags. There are a few sharp edges here and there, particularly on the mag inserts, but nothing I couldn't deal with in a few seconds with a file or stone.

The quality of construction is really good, and the bolt, chamber insert and barrel sleeves all have proof marks on them. I was a bit surprised to find out that it fires from an open bolt with a fixed firing pin, not sure how they can have a U.S. version, which they mention in the manual.

One thing I AM concerned about a bit, is the barrel insert. I expected it to sit flush with the muzzle, but it does not. It protrudes about 7/16" past the muzzle, and the retaining nut only engages about half of the threads, leaving about 1/4" of threads still showing. I can't tell from any of the videos if this is normal or not, so I intend to give Wolverine a call tomorrow morning before I head out to the range to try it out.
OK! So! Range Report!

Back from the range, good day out. I didn't end up talking to Wolverine as I had planned, I just went out and shot.

Here is the gap I mentioned in my previous post:


You can see the roughly 1/4" of threads still showing. It didn't make any difference to performance. I made sure to check every couple of strings to make sure that the muzzle nut was still tight. I will check with my local gunsmith and see how much it will cost to get 7/32" or so taken off the chamber end of the insert. I'm still not sure if the extra length of the insert is normal or not. For the record, my rifle is one of the original batch brought in by Wolverine.

A couple of observations.

1. This is NOT a substitute for a bull barreled Ruger 10-22 with a cool aftermarket stock. This is NOT for all day plinking and doing mag dumps as fast as you can load. Keep in mind that the barrel insert is a .22 inserted inside a .30 barrel, so the walls of the insert are very thin. The CF had issues with their conversion kits for the FN. If they were shot too fast and got too hot the insert would expand and seize in the rifling of the main gun. Some had to be left installed after they could not be removed. I would use caution, and not do too many mag dumps. That said, I did a couple of mag dumps with no ill effects, and with only 2 mags, you get a fair bit of cooling time while you reload the mags.

2. This is best for shooting cheap and shooting where you normally can't, for example if you have to shoot indoors in the winter and your indoor range doesn't allow steel cased or steel jacketed ammo.

3. Like all semi-autos, the weak point is the magazines.

I started by loading 5 rounds in each magazine and firing to check function. All rounds fired, no adjustment needed. I then tried to load both mags to capacity. Both mags were hard to load past 15 rounds and I am very glad I stoned off the sharp edges last night. One mag took 25 rounds before my thumb gave out, but the other would only take 20. I then shot both mags rapid, but not dumped. I fired a total of 250 rounds. Other than a couple of 5 round groups for accuracy, the rest I shot rapid at capacity until around 150 rounds, then 10-15 rounds at a time because my fingers were too tired and sore to load to capacity.

At around 75 rounds, one mag stopped feeding after 10 rounds, follower jammed inside. "percussive maintenance" got it going again, at least for a while. The other mag worked flawlessly except at around 100 rounds. At around 100 rounds, I pulled the trigger, the bolt released, hung up for a second, then fired normally. The next round did the same, the third round failed to fire. I unloaded, put some lube on the bolt and reloaded the failed round and started shooting again, and it worked fine from then on. I suspect that I did not use enough lube to start with. I had one other fail to fire, a dud round that didn't go even after 3 tries.

The first mag failed several times, the second mag worked flawlessly after the system was re-lubed. Both mags worked fine with only 10 rounds loaded, but the first mag would occasionally fail if loaded more than that. I noticed that there are distinct dimensional differences between the two mag inserts.


You can see the differences in this picture. the mag on the left with the white follower is the problem child. Notice the different profile at the front of the mag.


You can also see that the mag on the left has the follower coming up higher when empty. You can't see it in the picture, but the mag opening is also wider, allowing the rounds to more a bit side to side, and possibly allowing the follower to wobble and bind as well.

I am sure that if I got some more mags, I could find a couple more good ones. It seems like either there are two designs or versions, or the QC is not what it should be. The aluminum is also a bit soft and there are lots of machining marks. I think a bit better quality and anodizing would make the mags much better. The basic design is clever and I like it. The "good" mag works fine.

Accuracy? Well, this is no Anschutz, but surprisingly good all things considered, certainly as good as I need. I was quite surprised given how the insert is installed. I had two types of ammo available. 40 grain CCI Mini-Mags and 40 grain Remington Thunderbolt. Technically both of these are high velocity. The manual says standard ammo only, but I didn't see any issues.

I shot at 25 yards using old military No 18 Small Target (simulates at 25 yards the old 4 foot target as seen at 200 yards). The bull is 1-1/2" and I was able to keep 5 rounds, including the fliers in an inch at 25 yards with my past 40 year old eyes and the factory iron sights. It shot pretty close to the same POI at 25 yards as it does full caliber with the sights set on the battle sight setting. I didn't shoot at 50 or 100 yards, but I did shoot one group with the sights set at 100 and the group moved down about 1-1/2 inches


(First group I shot with the Mini Mags)


(First group I shot with the Remington Thunderbolt)

A couple of other observations;

This a a .22 and like all .22s it is very dirty. You will get unburned powder and carbon all over the inside of the receiver and trigger group. It will be dirtier than when firing full caliber. Some carbon forces its way between the chamber insert and the barrel insert. It is not much, I could a ring of carbon on both parts where they join, but it didn't photograph well enough to be worth posting. This means that you will have to run a patch through the full caliber barrel as well as cleaning the insert.

The manual says to clean every 100 rounds, and the mags every 500. My (limited) experience is that you can certainly go longer than that, but the mags should probably be stripped and cleaned whenever the rest of the kit is.

I should have lubed it more heavily, especially the bolt, since this is where the crud builds up most.

To sum up, I am very happy with it. It dropped in, worked right away without adjustment, was surprisingly accurate. The only downer was that one of the mags didn't work so well. Since there is no mag loader, I would load only 15, maybe 20, and I will buy some more mags so as to get several good ones.

In my opinion it is a worthwhile accessory and I am very glad I bought it.
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thanks paulz for the great range report , very interesting .

i received my kit today (i waited for the HST to disappear into the neverland, lol) .

my son and i managed to play with it for a few hours .

at first we had difficulties getting it to operate by hand properly on my CZ858-4, we tried dry firing and got nothing, the bolt kept getting hung up on the sear disconnector, the bolt refuses to go forward after the trigger is pulled, we wondered if the design of the disconnector ramp on the bolt had anything to do with it .

we gave up after half an hour, we then decided to put it on my other vz58, no problems on the FSN-01W and FSN-01K and it worked fine, couldnt test the sleeve on the "K" cos the barrel is too short but on the "W" it fitted fine but when we tried to lock the sleeve in with the muzzle nut , it ran out of thread so i had to add a washer to make it fit snugly.

i then put it on my shorty CSA and it worked but not has smoothly as the FSN , maybe it needed a breaking-in period , like paul said the edges a bit sharp that will need light sanding.

lastly i put it on my cz858-2 NR , and it worked fine then i came back to my cz858-4 that i had difficulties earlier and lord and behold , no problem this time.

please note , sometimes the carrier get stuck in the rearward position, to avoid this, snap the carrier back and release.



im very pleased with the kit , thanks john for bringing them in . actually my son was the one that talked me into buying one so hes now ready for the zombies ,lol.
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