A must read for HST, PST, GST on all firearms and accessories

That's good to know...

I mean I love supporting local gun shops, but when the prices they charge in BC (maybe to pay the high rent) and the 12% PST/GST combined, most of the time buying from out of province is cheaper even with shipping added on.
All sales, even firearms purchased from the Canadian website, are originated from the US company (that is why you fill out an import form for every firearm even the ones on the .ca site). This means there is only 5% GST charged on all purchases either from www.irunguns.ca or www.irunguns.ca

When I lived in Saskatchewan, and bought something out of province, I was advised that it was up to me to let my home province know what I'd bought, for how much, and then to pay the consumption tax to Sask... E.g., If one purchased a rifle or other appliance in Alberta (pay GST) and brought it to Sask - he or she is expected to pay Sask provincial sales tax to Sask - voluntarily. I rather suspect the rule/law is only very rarely honoured.
Is it not the case that you're expected to pay local (e.g., home province) taxes for items purchased out of province? (I don't agree with the policy, because you also pay the tax where you bought it - oh - but you're then expected to apply for a refund of the taxes charged at source...)
How about payin PST On used vehicles just because they transferred titles?
That has to be against the law, but somehow bc gets away with it
How about payin PST On used vehicles just because they transferred titles?
That has to be against the law, but somehow bc gets away with it

I bought a car in QC last year, I had to pay taxes on the car in QC, pay taxes again when I registered it in Ontario and had to fill out a form for QC saying I paid the taxes in Ontario so QC could refund me the taxes I paid there.
Sorry! It might be the wrong place to ask this question....I am living in BC and I have a U.S. Dollar Visa card. Can I pay you with my US dollar Visa card directly? If yes, how? Thank you!
Sorry! It might be the wrong place to ask this question....I am living in BC and I have a U.S. Dollar Visa card. Can I pay you with my US dollar Visa card directly? If yes, how? Thank you!

This will only save you the US to CAD conversion (which is quite a bit depending on which regular/premium card you have). You can use it as freely as any other card, use that for the USD portion of the payment and a regular Canadian card for the GST + Shipping in Canada for maximum effect.
This will only save you the US to CAD conversion (which is quite a bit depending on which regular/premium card you have). You can use it as freely as any other card, use that for the USD portion of the payment and a regular Canadian card for the GST + Shipping in Canada for maximum effect.

amazon.ca has a VISA card with no conversion+2.5% fees. The 2.5% is regardless of the card you have. It's a flat rate for all banks.
well that 5% has me becoming a IRG customer,,,i hate taxes,,paying money to a government that does nothing for us except WASTE our money doesn't deserve a red cent of my money,,
well that 5% has me becoming a IRG customer,,,i hate taxes,,paying money to a government that does nothing for us except WASTE our money doesn't deserve a red cent of my money,,

I agree 100%. I work 10 hours per day and almost half of that gets taken by them already. Then from whatever remains, 13% of it goes on anything I buy. And there are the taxes on gas, property and anything you can think off. They have the most creative minds in the world working around the clock to create new ways of taxing. Special environment taxes for buying my mouse and keyboard - really?
Are we taxed the 5% GST on used firearms manufactured in the U.S. and purchased from third-parties where IRG is ONLY facilitating the transfer and export?

I hope we aren't taxed on items not purchased through IRG, but rather using them as a service provider instead!
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