Norinco light strike vehicle (ETA?)

Yup, NA and Europe better wake up. In thirty years they'll be the next Japan except with tons of land & resources.
Yup, NA and Europe better wake up. In thirty years they'll be the next Japan except with tons of land & resources.

In 30years???? Japan is already experiencing problems. I would cut that estimate to 5-10years.
The nice thing about PRC they will produce products on any scale of quality.

Furthermore, they are not restricted by the USA like Japan was.
Paging CanAm!!!


Will these be available as a combo?
The civilian version is priced at 800,000 RMB, I'm sure anyone who can afford a new car can get one in if you want one bad enough. To make it a road legal vehicle in Canada is another issue...
wow another original thought from china I am shocked. I would by one if they could certify that 10 asian workers died in the production of this truck
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