VZ58 in 7.62x51 is possible if there is enough interest.

I would definitely be into buying one of the, never was a fan of the m14, this would be a close enough approximation for to an L1A1 for me. 308, with that lightweight/weatherproof, wood-chip/Resin wood stock and grips. I would for sure buy one, up to the $1200 price point.
Im up for the 7.62x51, but would also like to stress my interest in a 5.45x39 version as well. Especially seeing as how the ammo can be importable.
Guys you need to slow your roll lol. He said it would be at least a year just for the prototype. We are looking most likely at 2 years before they hit Canada.

Also I am in for at least one, but if awesome up to 5.

Agreed, but I think most of us here would just like to put forward our commitment to seeing to project go through. No point in going through the process if no one cares.
Seems like in around a year to two years theres going to be some pretty cool guns entering the canadian market. Gonna start saving now and get the jump on all those other broke fools!
to me it seems a bit weird to have a full power round in a vz58. With such a long range cartridge i'd want much better irons than what the vz has or at least an option for decent optics that aren't a scout setup or dependent on a case deflector. But even though its not my cup of tea, its great to see new things coming to our market, and dealers willing to push for more products.
Would be a nice alternative and cheaper then the other main battle rifles example the xcr-m and the m14. With the pleasure of something NOT made in china
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