Thumbs down to Marstar

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That's the most important part of your post. Do you think that that half page you posted contradicted anything of what I said? Because it looks to me like you just wrote 5 paragraphs that boiled down to 'importing is sure hard work but I can't tell you because you wouldn't understand'. Frankly, I could give two rats butts whether you have a hard time importing. I just want my guns and my ammo when I want my guns and my ammo, at decent prices. Figure it out, or we'll go down the road to someone that has.

But nevermind all that. Everything is going over your head - you are missing 100% of the point. So let me boil it down for you. Stop solving individual problems in this thread and start solving your problem which is poor customer service.

Everyone reading this thread realizes you have a general customer service problem except you. Your demeaning answer as you mock and ridicule your customers and potential customers is a sideshow only.

Laugh2 Waterwheel for the win!!! If John's ego wasn't so damn irritating it wouldn't be worth the breath. I could no longer give a rodents rectum either.
Everyone reading this thread realizes you have a general customer service problem except you. Your demeaning answer as you mock and ridicule your customers and potential customers is a sideshow only.

Please do not speak for me - I resent it and I am full of your egotistical,ignorant,demeaning posts.

Takes a real hero to carry on an internet fight the way you have :slap:
(Mr 48 posts/joined in Nov 2012 :rolleyes: :rolleyes:)

I would also encourage a mod to look into the ISP of this individual as I smell serious TROLL flesh!

I am one of many who have nothing but great dealings with Marstar (and John in particular) but then, I am also not one of the "me" generation.

LOL.. You can never put accurate shipping with custom packaging from an automated system.. How many 10s of thousands of parts does Marstar sell... and they use how many different shipping carriers... Not NASA level but not accurate either..

A human will pack the items better then computer will figure and then when the customer sees the true shipping verses the computer generated cost they will whine... If you have standard packaging/boxes and limted carriers sure you can be more accurate but then you limit your customer...

I've had some issues with Marstar in the past as well... I ordered a commander length barrel by mistake and got it.. I kept it wasn't worth the hassle.. I a couple things and they shipped them out individually... don't know why the shipping cost was about $20 more then I expected... But I know that's what they paid.. Would I buy from them again Yes.. Why? becuase I know that John is a stand up guy.. Does he get snotty on some of these posts.. Yep.. Do the people making these posts deserve it Yep..

It's funny how some people expect that every order is perfect.. It doesn't happen.. I ordered an ipod from apple weekend before last (black friday) it arrived yesterday.. the box was smashed.. the Ipod was OK... but It's the wrong one.. Doesn't match my order...inside packing slip is for someone else too... the outside has 2 fedex stickers too... It appears that my sitcker came off my package and got attached to this one.. Whose fault is it I don't know.. But Apple is fixing it and giving me a $20 credit.
Oh look. Another 'Marstar Sucks' thread.

I yam shocked. SHOCKED, I tells ya.

Fellas, this guy is not going to clean up his act and that's fine, he obviously can't handle the business he has so giving him more is the last thing you want to do. I have since talked two friends out of dealing with them and had them thank me for after seeing numerous threads like this. Sadly, that is all you can do.

As always, boys - buyer beware. Make sure your friends are too.
LOL.. You can never put accurate shipping with custom packaging from an automated system..
C'mon, please. Seriously? Yes. You. Can. Box size, destination, and weight are known entities and with that you have exact shipping charges. A gun fits in a box THIS BIG (waves hands to show box the size of a gun). Not this big (waves hands to show a really big box) or this big (waves hands to show a little box that won't fit a gun). If they're shipping a lot of boxes then they probably have stock of a half dozen sized boxes. The gun might be custom, but the box size and weight aren't - they're known entities.

Check the big boys like bassproc and cabelas. At least one of them around town has shipping costs shown and for oversized items they note it and show you the charges. I've seen this live somewhere in the past month.

Maybe they're just putting the guns and ammo into whatever box they have lying around, I have no idea. And that's fine if that's what they do. But they don't *have* to do this. It is possible to quote this stuff automatically. Really. I know that a lot of the vendors in this industry seem to be a bit behind in technology, but lets appreciate that they're behind in technology, not that the technology doesn't exists or it can't be implemented easily.

It's funny how some people expect that every order is perfect.. It doesn't happen..
No,it doesn't happen. I screwed up twice this week - with the same customer, and they were rightfully PO'ed because I disrespected their time. Worse, I made the same mistake...twice. Except I'm pretty sure they got things wrong, not me. Nevertheless, I was embarrassed and taken aback. Don't tell me it's not personal it's just business. It's very personal to me. Doesn't matter, I apologized profusely and corrected things. I don't care who's fault it is neither do customers. They want an apology, they want it fixed, and some assurances that we recognized the problem and won't likely do it again, then people are perfectly happy. We all screw up. That's not what the thread's indicating. It's how often we screw up and what we do when it happens - that's what I see. As I noted, if it's one customer, maybe it's the customer. If it's a row of customers, maybe it's the not the customers.

But I'm sure a lot of folks already know this, I'm just pointing out the obvious.
It appears that my sitcker came off my package and got attached to this one.. Whose fault is it I don't know.. But Apple is fixing it and giving me a $20 credit.
Then we basically agree - just fix it and go away. you want the product, realize people screw up and they fixed it. Done deal for both of you. Screwup are not equal to unhappy customers. Unhappy customers are a symptom of something else.
I hope you guys know your wrecking a perfectly good thread with your mindless drivial. We just want to complain not have a ****** match about who can run a company and who can't.
How'd this go from a complaint thread to a tar and feathering? A complaint should be about individuals in a company who are not giving you the level of customer service you expect, not a rant about how if you ran the company you'd make sure everything was in on time and how John should take importing lessons from someone who doesn't even give their real name when arguing with him. We have a complaint thread that has hit 19 pages its getting ridiculous. (both sides are to blame).
Dear God, this is getting to be cruel and unusual punishment

I get visions of burning crosses and chanting! LOL

Everybody just step away from the keyboards
Please do not speak for me - I resent it and I am full of your egotistical,ignorant,demeaning posts.

Takes a real hero to carry on an internet fight the way you have :slap:
(Mr 48 posts/joined in Nov 2012 :rolleyes: :rolleyes:)

I would also encourage a mod to look into the ISP of this individual as I smell serious TROLL flesh!

I am one of many who have nothing but great dealings with Marstar (and John in particular) but then, I am also not one of the "me" generation.

You're a crybaby. What are you, 12 years old and thinking that 1000 posts makes you anything other than a redneck?
I want to add that it is not CGN policy to moderate threads in dealer forums, unless when people are violating and disregarding forum rules. Just because it is a business forum, it does not mean forum rules could be tossed out of the window.
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