Thumbs down to Marstar

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"So it takes a giant complaint thread that EVERYONE CAN SEE for Marstar to suddenly jump to life and answer everyone's complaints and/or questions........."
How did you arrive at this conclusion ??

We make every effort to reply to each and every e mail or posting.... What is wrong with that policy ?
"LOL. Just wait till you see the shipping/handling charges. Make sure you're sitting down. "
The customer may request total charges at any time....We have posted this many times....
I don't understand the complaints about our shipping charges....
"Ive learned with companies that barely have a web presence like Marstar "
What do you consider a "web presence" ??

" is that they are old school so dont even try email."
Very interesting, we manage to reply to several e mail each and every day at Marstar, I'm not certain I understand your conclusion here ?

" Phone if you have a problem."
On this point I cannot agree more we have the people to answer your questions, In English, French, Spanish and German.

Man, threads like these always turn into circus of miscommunication. If you have an issue with a purchase that wasn't resolved properly, follow this simple guide:

1 - Get off computer.
2 - Call manager.

Trying to sort your unsatisfactory experiences on an internet forum is not the most efficient way to go.
I've also had no problems and all my questions have been answered the same day which is above and beyond the normal expected turnaround of 24 hours for most organizations.

I think bringing your complaints to the public is completely justified if you have exhausted all efforts at getting a satisfactory response from the vendor. In this case looks like they were responding...
"Yea I have had unanswered emails form them."
As I have mentioned many times, we make every effort to reply to each and every e mail, IF we receive it.... Logic would dictate that should you not receive a reply within 48 hours one should either try again or call us, it is a free call....

"Also, generally when ordering online, your shipping quote will be provided before the final step of buying, not in marstars case."
I have addressed this point many times, due to variety of shipping options used depending on the commodities in ones order it is all but impossible to give an online accurate quote.... However we do say that we will supply a quote at anytime.... I will make you the same offer I have made many others, if you are able to supply us with the software to resolve this issue we will pay you a handsome finders fee....

"clearly old school as stated above. "
Strange you would find us to be old school, if believing in good business ethics, fair pricing, fair treatment of ones customers, addressing customer concerns, giving a sound warranty, I guess we ARE old school, I apologize
I really don't know why my replies to other members have offended you, but be assured this reply is sent WITHOUT sarcasm, without attitude, without any attempt at causing any concerns or anxieties on your end
I really appreciate your support, however I think that many of the members here are simply too young to recall what went on back when

"After an attempt to monopolize a market for a certain pistol fell through, he starts a thread telling all how we're going to get hose'd if we buy the pistol from the now distributor because he would have done better. "

I would respectfully suggest you read the postings you refer to, I simply replied to the many questions I received either on this forum or by e mail....

"After an attempt to monopolize a market"
I think you are making statements without being fully aware of all the details, please inform yourself....

THIS message is sent without attitude, without sarcasm, without nonsense, I ask you not to be offended....


PLEASE we really need a name so we can research complaints.... This may be a radical request but it helps us identify the write....
"evrytime I looked for stuff on the website they had no stock"
For a company with no stock we sure have a large client base (20,000+)
We have enough work to keep 10 people busy.... I will really have to look into what they are doing all day
Will have see why Canada Post keep sending their truck here, why we keep seeing Canpar, UPS, Day & Roos, just to mention a few....
Let you knoe the results of my investiagtion....
"evrytime I looked for stuff on the website they had no stock"
For a company with no stock we sure have a large client base (20,000+)
We have enough work to keep 10 people busy.... I will really have to look into what they are doing all day
Will have see why Canada Post keep sending their truck here, why we keep seeing Canpar, UPS, Day & Roos, just to mention a few....
Let you knoe the results of my investiagtion....

I appreciate that you have taken the time to answer most of the questions that have been put to you as it shows that possible you do care to give good service or it is also possible that you want to keep damage from this thread to as little as you can. Only you know the answer to this question.

On another note read the bottom of the quote I have listed over again. If that is not sarcasm then I do not know what is, maybe you should look up the meaning in the dictionary so you have a true grasp on it.

What says you?

Basically to sum up this thread:

If you are going to order, just use the phone. As the technology doesn't exist to have accurate shipping quotes and for emails to always be delivered.
BTW, the shipping from Marstar to Vancouver, wasn't much of a surprise considering it came across Canada.

Thanks for the reply marstar.
Couldn't Marstar just lock this thread if they wanted?? I'd say good on 'em for at least letting things get aired out and responding to many of the questions posed. I haven't had dealings with them personally so I can't comment on service etc. but got to give them some kudos for not just locking and running!

Anyway, if anyone is having troubles, I hope they're sorted out soon!
I have never been steered wrong by Marstar. In fact, Frank has gone out of his way to assist me in more than one occasion. And I will always be grateful to Marstar to be the first to bring in the VZ58 rifles into Canada.
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