Serbu 50BMG SEMI-AUTO taking orders.....

Dlask Arms Corp

Sponsoring Business
Business Member
Delta, BC
No pre order for 6 months or whatever these other dealers do....these are IN STOCK for us in the US and are ready to ship. Deposit of $1000 and selling price of $6995 all import fees included.

The Serbu 50BMG SEMI AUTO NON RESTRICTED is now available for sale. Here is Erika showing us how to shoot it:

Send in your request for an order on the form at the bottom of
Here's another......oh and the gun is for sale by the way :)

OK, so I can take this out hunting but the evil AR-15 I can't....really!!

Seems to be the case... Canadian gun law at it's best I tell ya!

And, IF ANYONE gets this BADBOY & lives near Ottawa, I will trade you shooting my 1919a4 for some trigger time with your semi 50bmg!

OMFG... closest thing to owning an M107 I guess =)

Hmmm good pricing also... its dollar for dollar compared to retail price from Serbu's website
I showed the GF the picture of what I wanted for Christmas.
She told me it was a waste of time even dreaming about it, because I couldn't handle either one.
Baa humbug!:mad:
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