Your shop made the paper

You MONSTERS! how dare you make an easy shopping experience for your customers on-line! I thought I was buying a book! You are a firearms business, every page should have a super secret password that only elite people know the code to and you should use some sort of coded talk to describe your firearms as well as so that my eyes dont bleed when i read the description of you evil havoc inducing products!

that was sarcasm for you liberal hippies reading this, just because they sell firearms doesn't mean they should be restricted to archaic forms of retail and communications with their customers.
This is a malicious attack piece. Wolverine and its clients have been associated with mass murder. This is defamation...get you lawyer on this ASAP!
You MONSTERS! how dare you make an easy shopping experience for your customers on-line! I thought I was buying a book! You are a firearms business, every page should have a super secret password that only elite people know the code to and you should use some sort of coded talk to describe your firearms as well as so that my eyes dont bleed when i read the description of you evil havoc inducing products!

that was sarcasm for you liberal hippies reading this, just because they sell firearms doesn't mean they should be restricted to archaic forms of retail and communications with their customers.

Yes who would of thought weapons of mass destructions where being sold right here in Canada! Hurry everyone! To the tin foil bunker!
I read about half of that article and my blood pressure just shot through the roof I couldn't finish it I am at a loss for words.
Somewhat like journalism then; where you pump BS into the minions hoping to catch someone napping while suppressing the truth and silencing those in disagreement. IMHO hunters have it harder. Deer are pretty smart and their hearing isn't selective.

This is golden!
You should write a letter to ED.
Let be honest, gun control is not the problem. It's people control that is needed. Firearms are tool, and yes in the wrong hands that tool may become a weapon, but that's no different then a hammer or wrench. More "gun control" will just make it harder for us, the legitimate owners. It won't stop criminals, cause I am sure they would hand over there to be "banned" firearms when the shot callers call for them... Right! Guns don't kill people, people kill people.
I am writing a email to this Meth addict looking winch and to Toronto Star ...Basically she called me a mass murderer because I own a Canadian legal assault rifle ... only thing I have ever murdered is proper grammar
Boys, you can write your emails, admonish this stunned :bigHug::bigHug::bigHug::bigHug: and her idiotic editors - but you are only feeding the beast.

They are out to sell copy. They do that by generating outrage and controversy. The only letters you should be writing these liberal meat holes is one that cancels your subscription, and maybe one to their advertisers threatening to boycott their products if they are going to support a paper that libels and slanders you as a gun owner.
The part of this story that I find most interesting is that none of the media reports has mentioned that law enforcement who first responded to the scene located the "assault rifle" not with the shooter, but in his car. Of course the media will not report this as this does not serve their purposes. The media of course will never report these findings as this does nothing for their desire to assist the government with the ultimate goal of banning more firearms. If this truth was actually reported by the mainstream media, the calls for bans of magazines and firearms would be less effective in stirring up peoples emotions
Basically she called me a mass murderer because I own a Canadian legal assault rifle

To be clear you own a perfectly legal modular platform sporting carbine. I assure you that you don't own an assault rifle. They are prohibited in Canada.

Thank you for bringing this to my attention.

Firstly my heartfelt condolences to the bereaved families.

As a Father and Grandfather I place far more importance on the safety and security of our children than I do on selling firearms. As always after these tragedies I see the media as “dancing on the graves of the dead” in order to stir up the controversy of gun control in an attempt to improve their sales and increase their ratings. These actions are despicable.

Alternatively the media should be reporting on possible ways to improve the safety for our children and encouraging all of us to work together towards a common goal of preventing such tragedies from happening.

I will not add fuel to the fire by taking any action on the sick opinion from one ill informed individual
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