Marstar barrels question

Why would they de mil a barrel there is no point.....

It would be live it's a barrel not scrap metal no reason why you can't own every single part of a machine gun besides the reciver (registered part)
fit the barrel into the gun and you are good to go if you own a registered gun that the barrel fits.
Wut? :weird:

Call or email, you'll have a far faster response than waiting for them to check on here.

I doubt they would answer Friday night before Xmas when I saw them.

Live means the barrel isn't drilled full of holes, welded shut, cut in half or any combo of these.

Thanks to those that were helpful.
I think I'm missing something here....
Why would Marstar "deact" barrels ? Who would buy them ?

Are we sampling the egg nogg a little early ?


The guy is some reporter trying to find crap to print.

His account here was just opened.

The first thing he does is ask about the availability of machine-gun parts in Canada.
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I really have to agree, they are dangerous, drop one on your foot and you will agree.... I know, we need a foot registry to protect us....
Actually it just occurred to my me why Wizzegun created an account and started asking Marstar about machine-gun parts.

It's that big scary looking machine gun in your banner logo. I guess that logo would attract any out of work reporter, trying to sell a story.
Well now after almost 30 years in this business I have met only two(2) reporters who told the truth and had a code of conduct.... The rest were 50% liars and 50% BS....
Trust me I have met a lot of the over the years, both here and in other corners of the world....

... no reason why you can't own every single part of a machine gun besides the reciver (registered part)

There is also no good reason why you can't own the receiver too. Not to hijack, but we don't do ourselves any favours by hiding from reporters or press. We need logical folks who can express themselves clearly to take on these skewed reporters. Reporters I thought were to report the facts unbiasedly. When one does an experiment for example, one is supposed to obtain and report the results without bias otherwise the experiment's data is useless, same holds true for biased reporting.
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