$100 Finders Fee

Just wanted to say if you want to translate any reply the seller gives, give me a heads up.

For now from the questions you asked, in his first reply he says that the firearm is not deactivated "non neutra".

In the second reply, he says that the post office told him that Canada blocks all firearm imports into the country at the border.

Now that can't be right, seems the post office gave him some bad information.

Thanks Olin, I have another member working on this for me, hope to make a purchase shortly. If I do you will get a $100 finders fee when I have her safly in Canada.

Hi Olin
As expected this has proved a challenge but thanks to the help of a CGN member and a French customer living in France (I sold him a good English DR a few years ago) I think we have this purchase almost completed. Have to arrange payment and export. As soon as she is safely here I will post a photo and mail you a cheque for your $100 “Finders Fee”.
That's awesome. How old is that thing? Is it operational?

You bet she is operational, caliber is .380 CF, I have been told .38 S&W will work but they do not chamber. This gun is in excellent condition, she has the later type of extractor, going by the serial number I would think she was manufactured in the late 1880's. She was the property of Sir Rupert Clark, Aid de Camp to Field Marshall Alexander, she originally belonged to sir Ruperts father the 2nd Baronet (1865-1926)
Got to post some pics of your new ones John Thanks for the finders fee spent it at Wolverine LOL. Would love to see how that 455 regulates with that oval bore rifling it looks like a smooth bore but I know it isn't .

Hi Olin
Well my Lancaster from France has finally reached Canada, hopefully she will be here next week. If you would like to identify yourself by e-mail to me John@wolverinesupplies.com I will mail you a cheque for your $100 finder’s fee as soon as she arrives here.
IT was a four barrel shotgun. black powder. You turn the barrels to use the next two. I probably shouldn't have said anything as I have no clue who was selling it. I just know it was some one with a booth at the last HACSBC show in Chilliwack BC.
My last Lancaster, a fairly rare second generation caliber .476 CF. This gun is in amazing condition or has been expertly refinished in the past. The correct holster is also in incredible condition, even has the serial # of the gun stamped inside the flap.

This earns Olin” a $100 finder’s fee. I am still searching for more Lancaster’s so please keep the tips coming.
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