SHOT SHOW 2013: Chiappa Triple Threat, Little Badger and Mare's Leg Shotgun

Not saying they're bad... But here goes; I saw my local gunsmith at the range yesterday with a big stack of guns to fire-test as customers had returned them for various malfunction claims. Among them were 2 chiappa 1887's. One wood and one was composite with a terminator 2 logo. Both were brand new. The T2 worked fine but the wood one fired once and then the action was stuck shut. Unable to open it so that was my first experience with these chiappa 1887's.
A lot of gimmick there for people with more money than common sense. Undeniably, the lever action shotty looks very cool. The fact is, though, that it is clearly awkward to cycle (compared to a pump) and would be a liability in a real threat situation. A pump is by far the better option and my little Maverick that cost $185 has served me very well over the years.

The tripple barrel also looks kinda kool, but I'm betting it's got some wight to it and a pump would be way lighter with more rounds available.

As for the Badger: I think they've missed the point. Looks like a half0assed copy of the old Springfield M6 survival rifle, but they forgot the .410 shotgun barrel. Now if Chiappa made an exact copy of that little gun, I'd be a happy man!!
The Triple Crown looks fantastic. I wonder if it would point well? Triple barrels have been around for around 100 years but not as a production shotgun (not that I'm aware of anyways) so very few have them. $1800 is a good chunk to pay though.
i need that triple threat shotgun.. OMG, its beautiful, specially the multi length version with chokes... :)

What is the latest update? where can i follow up? who well be bringing/selling them.. ??????????????????
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