SOVIET TT-33 Pistols

I was on the fence about the Polish ones.... with the holster and extra mag I just couldn't resist this... order is placed.

So I bought it... then realized I don't have any of this caliber... then went ammo shopping.... The shipping calculator would be nice, instead I just sent an email asking how much more it would cost, being lead/steel to BC might not be too cost effective unless there is some sort of competive deal for shipping, for $180 for a shooter with two mags, I'm all over it, want something cheap like bathtub vodka for when .22LR isn't doing it and I'm too thrifty to pull out the larger calibers.
..., instead I just sent an email asking how much more it would cost, being lead/steel to BC might not be too cost effective unless there is some sort of competive deal for shipping

I didn't think about expensive shipping charges? Are Shipping costs in Canada that bad?
Still new to Canada and haven't used the postal service yet, and UK postage is pretty cheap.
So I just used a shipping estimator from another site and it looks like a full case if 7.62x25 will be in the $50 price range to ship to BC...not too bad considering its 32.5kgs for a crate!!
Even with a $50 shipping charge on a crate of ammo for this pistol from Marstar, it still works ouit cheaper than ammo on the site with free shipping.
Wholly Crap people.

Seriously is the biggest tragity in your life? #####ing about the way Johnone replies to posts. Personally if you ask a question in a polite manner, Johnone always replies in kind. If you act like a jerk you get it right back. It's John's business let him run it as he sees fit. Last I checked Marstar almost always has a better deal then the compitition, this one comes with 1 more mag and a hard case for the price less then then most others. A little respect goes a long way it is more pleasant to read and ON TOPIC questions help everyone. Honestly I can understand why Johnone replies to certain posts in the way he does, I am not sure I could be quite as diplomatic as he is at times. When you criticize his business for things that John has explained over and over I can understand why he gets hostile. Now I don't work for John and I am not trying to blow him here either. Sometime somewhere somebody said the customer is always right, that was in regard to keeping a customer happy by dealing with their complaints, it does not give blanket authority to tell the man how to run his business it is his show if you want to run it open your own store. I like the prices on Marstar and it is always updated on the what's new link. I will get really upset if the price goes up to pay for these unnecessary add ons. If you like the other websites and their deal buy from them it is not difficult. I have a tt-33 on order from Marstar because I have had excellent success with them AND Marstar really took care of me when my Pietta revolver had a problem with the Crome coming off. Now it is up to you guys but a little courtesy goes a long way. Also nobody likes a Troll. if you have ideas on how to improve Johnone's business just PM him when you slam him in a public forum you cant be surprised when Johnone gets a bit defensive. Stepping off the soapbox, if you read this thanks.
Just sold a T-33 that I got from John a few months ago last night. Was talking to a guy at the gas station on my way home from the range and he wanted a Tokarev and knowing of this deal I told him about it. He suggested I sell him the one I have and I order the new one. I got $200.00 for a Russian Tokarev with one mag and no xtras.I will be on the fone today to order the deal with all the xtras.I will now have a Marstar pistol case to match the Marstar SKS rifle case I got with the $199.00 deal ! You just can't lose with Marstar!
What ammo are you currently in stock of John?
Source, vintage if you can please.
I'm no conniseur yet, but I do know the czech stuff will make a new gun old quickly.
Brass or steel versions.

Query 2 ; shipping for a case ever exceed the fiddy buh quoted elsewhere in this thread for anywhere in Canada?

I wish this deal was on the radar when I made my purchase. Seems extras get pulled off as dealers get mitts on them.
Something about a second mag being "extra" I guess.
Query 2 ; shipping for a case ever exceed the fiddy buh quoted elsewhere in this thread for anywhere in Canada?.[/QUOTE said:
Firearm is very reasonable with Canada post - The ammo must go Canpar, and only to a serviced area,
The people at marstar have to manually check that your address is a serviced area otherwise if they depend on the customers recollection or the automatic system of what rural is, the parcel could easily be "handed off" to another carrier not licensed to carry ammunition, it then could get sent back and a massive surcharge placed back to marstar (this info provided by marstar).
so this is why no shipping calculator and it makes sense. (I hope I got that right John)
I live in Calgary and the delivery for a case of ammo was/is $45.xx and a sidearm was 21.xx
so still cheaper than local or those including shipping.... but pretty close. if your rural it might be more
"What ammo are you currently in stock of John?"
I assume you mean 7.62x25 ?? If so what remains is Czech....

"Source, vintage if you can please."
we buy it from the Czech Government.... various vintages

"I do know the czech stuff will make a new gun old quickly."
How in the world did you arrive at this ridiculous conclusion ?

"Brass or steel versions."
We are shipping both at this time....

" shipping for a case ever exceed the fiddy buh quoted elsewhere in this thread for anywhere in Canada?"
Say what ?

"Seems extras get pulled off as dealers get mitts on them.
Something about a second mag being "extra" I guess. "
What has that got to do with Marstar ??

7.62x25 yes.
New gun old comment by observation after 120 rounds.
I don't know whether it's the loading, shellac age (glued overpressure?), but my slide got beat up (peened in recoil) firing czech ammo.
So much so in those 120 rounds it required a file to allow barrel to clear properly where it did easily before firing.
Not ridiculous at all, vintage 52. Brass and steel in the same sealed box of 40 were observed.
Oh yes, and one .5 second hang fire. Right glad it wasn't longer I am. Thumb is too.
Not saying I wouldn't fire it again, but it's on my "don't want list" as I'd rather not remove more slide at each cleaning.
Easy to burn thru rounds with a fun gun like the tt33.

The extras getting pulled off by dealers was a compliment on the complete package being offered.
Lanyard even. Show off.

" shipping for a case ever exceed the fiddy buh quoted elsewhere in this thread for anywhere in Canada?"
Say what ?


Yo he be axin if da maximum cost to ship a crate of dem bullets be like $50 to anywhere in Canada. He keepin it street, dats how we do in da hood
What I mean by xtras is the fact ya get the cleaning rod/lanyard and the #####in MARSTAR hard case.Oh the xtra mag is great too as some do not offer this.
" but my slide got beat up (peened in recoil) firing czech ammo."
This is a bit weird, what is the condition of the recoil spring ?

"So much so in those 120 rounds it required a file to allow barrel to clear properly where it did easily before firing."
What di you file ? What seemed to be the problem ?

" Brass and steel in the same sealed box of 40 were observed."
Not certain what this has to do with the problem you are experiencing ??

Excuse the questions but we are always interested in any alledged issues our customers are experiencing with our ammo....
" but my slide got beat up (peened in recoil) firing czech ammo."
This is a bit weird, what is the condition of the recoil spring ?
Straight and true.

"So much so in those 120 rounds it required a file to allow barrel to clear properly where it did easily before firing."
What di you file ? What seemed to be the problem ?
The inner edges of the slide where the barrel and drop link area interfered after firing. The area which impacts the frame on recoil.

" Brass and steel in the same sealed box of 40 were observed."
Not certain what this has to do with the problem you are experiencing ??
Me Neither, just an observation as I thought they came from different lots, but mixed in sealed boxes this is obviously not the case.

Excuse the questions but we are always interested in any alledged issues our customers are experiencing with our ammo....
Pretty obvious signs of overpressure in primers (those that didin't get flung too far to find...)
I should note that I don't have the original source (importer) of this ammo and got it locally.
It's peformance was my reason for asking about your source. I'm not implying "your" ammo is the same, just that the 52 czech *may* demonstrate this level of pew pew and one's slide may suffer.
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