SOVIET TT-33 Pistols

7.62x25 ammo

Before contracting for the Czech ammo we ran tests here for consitancey... we tested, Czech military, Czech commercial, Yugo military, Yugo commercial, Bulgarian, Romanian, Hungarian etc, etc....

Since they are supposed to bloaded to the same standards they all shot pretty weel the same....

If I recal the maximum variance we had was something in the order of 75fps....

Hey John,

I will be calling Jim Tomorrow or Monday to let me know to process my order. After this batch dries up which I'm sure will be next week if it hasn't already, when do you think you will get more in?

Thanks in advance.


The current batch should be gone in a day or two....

We have a large shipment due by late spring

7.62x25 ammo

Before contracting for the Czech ammo we ran tests here for consitancey... we tested, Czech military, Czech commercial, Yugo military, Yugo commercial, Bulgarian, Romanian, Hungarian etc, etc....

Since they are supposed to bloaded to the same standards they all shot pretty weel the same....

If I recal the maximum variance we had was something in the order of 75fps....

The man must love his work lol I would
Mine shipped today. Thanks John.

Arrived today, 26 Feb. Great deal and thanks again.
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Mine arrived yesterday! Thanks John

I wish I got my tokarev from Marstar, got it off a small dealer who runs in the EE and I got a lemon I think! At least it serves as a project gun for me now. It is tempting to buy another so I can have one that works well.
I shot one last nite, very unique experience! Cool little pistol, and boy does that little round scream!! Louder than many bigger guns. You can tell its moving a lot faster.

It did jam a few times on feeding a round, I think only on initial feeds, not actual auto feeds when firing. I didn't have this happen, but the owner of it did.

Fairly primitive compared to todays stuff, but its effective, simple and unique to shoot. I was able to get groupings similar to my SR9 at 10 meters with it.
"Will I be contacted when my order is approved and shipped just wondering?"

You will receive full tracking information from Canada Post when your TT ships out

Thank you
Great deal John, I ordered one last week. Gunnutz are a curious bunch, there is a whole lot of complaining on this thread about meaningless issues(not using the quote function WTF?)

Thanks for the service you continue to provide to Canadian firearm owners and please don't be dissuaded by a vocal wierdo minority on this site.
In fact I just got this update :)

Added Fri 01 Mar 2013 - 1:35 PM EST - Staff Comment
Order status changed from 'Waiting for Approval' to 'Complete'.
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