Bad buy at Ellwood Epps

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I agree with the above...I if they don't budge, I'm sure BBB would like to know. If they get their crap figured out and make it right don't forget to let us all know just the same :)
Ever hear the phrase: "Never count your chickens till they hatch", well you can be pissed all you want about the mix up, but for buying ammo before the gun arrives.....I just have to shake my head. Almost like spending your lottery winnings before the actual draw date.

I don't know, he was expecting what he ordered and paid for. I've bought a crap load of 22Mag before waiting for something.
I almost thought this was a joke due to your atrocious grammar and considering all the crazy B.S. that's been going on on this forum the past couple of days.. ;)

...but in all seriousness that's a really ####ty deal and I hope you get every cent of your money back..any business with a shred of integrity would see to that. If you paid using a Visa or Mastercard you could easily get them involved, make a claim that you ordered online and paid with their card but did not receive what was advertised and they should be able to use some muscle...

Best of luck!
about the ammo. i went to my local store and they were sold out and the guy told me he has no idea when they will get more stock in so about two days later i got an email from ammo source saying they just got a load of wolf ammo in so i checked it and they only had one lot left of 250 rounds in .40 so i kind of had to get it. worst thing with getting a new gun is haveing to wait to find ammo to be able to go and shoot it.
In my experience there,

1 - Mail order is a nightmare. It seems like a lot of mistakes are made here. Same goes for the phone.

2- Shopping in person is MUCH better, but the store is far far too crowded with people and inventory. You are crammed into aisles, squeezed by other people every two seconds, and feel rushed ( or rather swept away) with the crowd. The gun counter is no exception. I have been there many times and had no room to even stand and less chance of having a question answered or even looking at a gun.

3- Prices on used gear is kind of like the EE here. A fairly well used semi auto .22 lakefield from 1980 should not cost the same (or more) than a new which is essentially identical. Perhaps they could at least show the owner a 'book' value before they set a price (plus commission).

The POSITIVE side of Epps is:

1- BEST inventory at the most reasonable price all in one spot, for most items.

2- GREAT inventory... pistols, black rifles, black powder, surplus stuff... all in large quantity. Where else can you get this in Bantario, within 2 hrs of the GTA?

3- 90 percent of the time, VERY friendly and helpful staff. Everyone gets an 'off day' in my opinion. Also, whenever I bring my problem to them in person, they fix it with no issues. (Mail order problems are more of a drag... Just bite the proverbial bullet, and go in person if you can.)

4- New AND used gear and guns, including reloading gear and components (LOTS). I have not yet found a place in Ontario with such a selection of used firearms and surplus military arms (other than mail order like Trade-Ex)
As to the gun you will get your money back. Credit card will for sure provide charge back for wrong product.
Shipping back may be an issue, should be on Epps' dime but if they play hardball.

Ammo you're on your own, jump the gun, yada, yada, yada; c'est la vie.

Your vocabulary or spelling is atrocious, really distracts from the message.
If they misrepresented the item you bought, then they should either replace it or refund the full amount including shipping.
Ammo is yours to deal with. You could sell it easily enough if you wanted to.
Been there in person a few times, left empty handed every time.

Staff is too busy yakking it up with friends dropping in to buy a $4 fishing lure

THE GUN STORE IS NOT IN THE SAME BUILDING AS THE FISHING STORE.!!! Had a lot of dealings with them and never left unhappy. It is inevitable that occasionally there will be a mistake made. Having said that, in this case they should refund.!!!
I bought a Mini-30 from Epps a few years back. It was advertised as "NEW"!
After a month long wait and numerous calls to inquire the where about of my product after I've paid, the response from some guy was "We've received your order and it's being process!" and hung up on me.

Nice customer service.

1 month and a week later, finally got a canada post tracking number.

What arrived was a Ruger Mini-30 that has brass marks in the chamber. What I mean by that is that this looks like a rifle that's been fired 500 rounds+
The receiver was scratched, looks like there was some rough use of cable lock or something. (NOT NEW)

Called back and got another guy telling me the products are sold as is. (Basically to sum up, he told me to deal with it)

Sold the Mini-30 as used $150 loss

Will never shop there ever again.
this should help some
here is an excerpt:

14. (1) It is an unfair practice for a person to make a false, misleading or deceptive representation. 2002, c. 30, Sched. A, s. 14 (1).

Examples of false, misleading or deceptive representations

(2) Without limiting the generality of what constitutes a false, misleading or deceptive representation, the following are included as false, misleading or deceptive representations:

1. A representation that the goods or services have sponsorship, approval, performance characteristics, accessories, uses, ingredients, benefits or qualities they do not have.

2. A representation that the person who is to supply the goods or services has sponsorship, approval, status, affiliation or connection the person does not have.

3. A representation that the goods or services are of a particular standard, quality, grade, style or model, if they are not.

4. A representation that the goods are new, or unused, if they are not or are reconditioned or reclaimed, but the reasonable use of goods to enable the person to service, prepare, test and deliver the goods does not result in the goods being deemed to be used for the purposes of this paragraph.

5. A representation that the goods have been used to an extent that is materially different from the fact.

6. A representation that the goods or services are available for a reason that does not exist.

7. A representation that the goods or services have been supplied in accordance with a previous representation, if they have not.

8. A representation that the goods or services or any part of them are available or can be delivered or performed when the person making the representation knows or ought to know they are not available or cannot be delivered or performed.

9. A representation that the goods or services or any part of them will be available or can be delivered or performed by a specified time when the person making the representation knows or ought to know they will not be available or cannot be delivered or performed by the specified time.

10. A representation that a service, part, replacement or repair is needed or advisable, if it is not.

11. A representation that a specific price advantage exists, if it does not.

12. A representation that misrepresents the authority of a salesperson, representative, employee or agent to negotiate the final terms of the agreement.

13. A representation that the transaction involves or does not involve rights, remedies or obligations if the representation is false, misleading or deceptive.

14. A representation using exaggeration, innuendo or ambiguity as to a material fact or failing to state a material fact if such use or failure deceives or tends to deceive.

15. A representation that misrepresents the purpose or intent of any solicitation of or any communication with a consumer.

16. A representation that misrepresents the purpose of any charge or proposed charge.

17. A representation that misrepresents or exaggerates the benefits that are likely to flow to a consumer if the consumer helps a person obtain new or potential customers. 2002, c. 30, Sched. A, s. 14 (2).
I will contact the trading department(canada govt). I can't remember the name. File a complaint and take them for what Thierry worth. If you could prove that they advertise something and given you a different product. And they refuse to correct the mistake/problem.
Epps seems to have the "we're big and have lots of inventory " kind of attitude. I have caught them a few times spending company time negotiating there own personal deals before attending to good paying customers some whom have driven quiet far. I was in there a few weeks ago and asked one of the employes if they had any combo caliber rifles in stock. Hi answer was "NO" well a quick glance to his right and there was a combo BRNO that caught my eye. I said with a chuckle " ummm what's that right there?" His response was "oh I didn't think you'd want to spend that much" who in the efffff are you buddy to come to that assumption. My question was "do you have any combo rifles?" Not do You have any cheap combo rifles.

If there shop was down the street from me I still wouldn't step foot back in there dungeon !

The guy looking for the combo rifle

Oh did I mention A+ service at Al Flaherty's !
Did you try contacting Wes the owner, I had a problem with a used Rem deluxe 541 $600 I picked up. Got home and fired it had 2 problems with it, he said send it back we can repair or refund your money I choose the refund, had it in 5 days.
Bought two Rem 700 police models holes in bolt face where to large and factory ammo primers where flowing around pin , dropped in and Wes took them to the gunsmith in back room checked them out I think they test fired both, smith said there not right would have to be sent back to Remington gave me 1 new one, and got the other in 2 weeks in mail N/C
I have been very pleased dealing at Epp's
I used them for my first gun purchase. It went ok (just ok) but they don't tell you the shipping charge, that kinda bugged me. I found out on delivery that I was charged $35, and I live in the same province! I also had to call 3 times asking them to ship it. The last time they told me to call on a Tuesday to get my tracking number, I had the gun on the Monday. I don't understand why he didn't tell me he was shipping it right away (it was a Friday). Overall I found the transaction average, with a couple annoyances, their stock is great though.

It seems their customer service could use some tweaking. I've also bought from gagnon sports, sail and fishing world. All those went great. I've heard flaherty's is good also, but they never have a gun I want.

Edit: spelling.
This is the stuff that makes me not want to take my business to Epps. I really hope Epps improves because I don't want anyone to fail, but with service like this, I think I'll pass.
There are a few guys there that are better than others to work with. I dont know the majority of them working there now as they have hired a lot of people since I left. Right around lunch on any day but sun and wed is a good time to go in. On sun and wed the gun club has the shotgun shoots so epps gets really busy.
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