Bad buy at Ellwood Epps

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To the OP:

On 6 February I received an E-mail from you explaining that you had purchased what was listed as a Beretta 96D Brigadier pistol on our website. However, the pistol that you received was not a Brigadier model, as you noted upon receiving that firearm.

Upon receiving your E-mail I did explain to you that Beretta has not produced the Model 96D pistol as Brigadier variant for more than four years. I also noted that I was familiar with the pistol in question, but that I did not know why it had been listed as a Brigadier variant on our website.

You will recall that in my response to your concern I did advise that you were able to return the gun to our store and receive a full refund for the purchase value of that firearm. Your purchase value included shipping costs, which would also be refunded to you. I also offered the option for you to keep the pistol, if you chose to do so.

Our store does offer a 30-day warranty on all used guns. This warranty extends to circumstances of this nature, as we do not claim to be perfect, and do make mistakes from time to time. Our warranty also covers functional issues with any used firearm bought from our store. If, however, a buyer chooses to keep any firearm beyond that 30 day timeframe, it would then become theirs to own.

To my knowledge, as of this date, 23 February 2013, the pistol has not yet been returned to our store. OP, if I am mistaken, please let me know and I will look into the status of your refund as quickly as possible.
You will recall that in my response to your concern I did advise that you were able to return the gun to our store and receive a full refund for the purchase value of that firearm. Your purchase value included shipping costs, which would also be refunded to you. I also offered the option for you to keep the pistol, if you chose to do so.

Now that's how it's done. Good on the vendor here!
OP should take that offer with a Thank You :)
While people complain drop comments on here all the time about how they wonder why anyone buys from places like Epps ect, there is one small piece people are going to have a hard time swallowing and Im sure I will get name called when I state this, but this is the cold hard truth. In the last 2-3 years the gun market has gone crazy. I have a friend that work for one of the BC sponsors on here and I personaly know two of the store owners on here from Ontario (not epps). The reality is simple, they are not in the vulnerable position you might think.

The people who post on here are so far out of the reality of the gun world you would be shocked. You walk into a gun store and see no one in there you assume the store is hurting. You see a full wall of guns and you figure that they are in desparate need to move inventory to pay the light bill. You see a half empty rack and you assume they do not have money for inventory. You see dust on shelves and you asume they are to poor buy new shelves.

But go into any store with a list of guns that were commonly available 5 years ago and see how many you can find. One dealer in Ontario told me that at one time they averaged a 5 month turn over for inventory. Today they average one month. We think that we can pit store against store and when we go shop else ware that "they have lost my buisness" when the reality is that guns are selling more, faster, and for better margins then ever before.

The issue is not a lack of buisness its the product sells faster than it can be replaced. There are more customers then product. We as consumers hold ourselves up to high and we figure we are doing the shops a favor and a few individuals keep them in buisness. I bet if you took a survey of the dealers on here 90% of them are millionares and many are multi Millionares. I am not advicating for poor customer service, but at the same time we as consumers should not decieve ourselves into thinking we hold all the marbles.

This might explain why we do not always get the answers we like in the tone we like when dealing with a store because they really do not need to pander to us the way we think. The 1990s are gone when a store owner would beg you to buy a gun so he could take a 10% loss because of the registy, its time we might want to wake up to the new reality if we choose to belive it or not. Ive got my helmet on and my eyes covered, you can begin to throw the tomatos at me now.
I haven't purchased anything from Epps yet, however i've been in contract with them the last couple days about possibly trading one of my pistols in and buying from them. They've been very quick to respond and clarify details, and although i've sold my firearm on the ee I will be purchasing the firearm I had been asking about from them.

They were much quicker (by days) to respond to me then any of the other dealers I'd contacted I feel communication is a big deal when buying online, or not being able to physically handle a product and walk out the door. So far they've been spot on.

Just my $0.02 from my experience with them thus far. I hope it continues to go as well as it has.

i contacted you the other day and it is getting sorted now. i am sending it back. this is what it said in your first email:
"If you are not satisfied with your purchase you may return the gun to our store and we will provide a full credit for the purchase value of that firearm."
i took it to mean a credit only no shipping or anything.

you can delete this thread if you want because i think the problem is sloved. but you can see how mad i am after buying the ammo and then getting stuck with the wrong pistol.

To the OP:

On 6 February I received an E-mail from you explaining that you had purchased what was listed as a Beretta 96D Brigadier pistol on our website. However, the pistol that you received was not a Brigadier model, as you noted upon receiving that firearm.

Upon receiving your E-mail I did explain to you that Beretta has not produced the Model 96D pistol as Brigadier variant for more than four years. I also noted that I was familiar with the pistol in question, but that I did not know why it had been listed as a Brigadier variant on our website.

You will recall that in my response to your concern I did advise that you were able to return the gun to our store and receive a full refund for the purchase value of that firearm. Your purchase value included shipping costs, which would also be refunded to you. I also offered the option for you to keep the pistol, if you chose to do so.

Our store does offer a 30-day warranty on all used guns. This warranty extends to circumstances of this nature, as we do not claim to be perfect, and do make mistakes from time to time. Our warranty also covers functional issues with any used firearm bought from our store. If, however, a buyer chooses to keep any firearm beyond that 30 day timeframe, it would then become theirs to own.

To my knowledge, as of this date, 23 February 2013, the pistol has not yet been returned to our store. OP, if I am mistaken, please let me know and I will look into the status of your refund as quickly as possible.
To the OP:

On 6 February I received an E-mail from you explaining that you had purchased what was listed as a Beretta 96D Brigadier pistol on our website. However, the pistol that you received was not a Brigadier model, as you noted upon receiving that firearm.

Upon receiving your E-mail I did explain to you that Beretta has not produced the Model 96D pistol as Brigadier variant for more than four years. I also noted that I was familiar with the pistol in question, but that I did not know why it had been listed as a Brigadier variant on our website.

You will recall that in my response to your concern I did advise that you were able to return the gun to our store and receive a full refund for the purchase value of that firearm. Your purchase value included shipping costs, which would also be refunded to you. I also offered the option for you to keep the pistol, if you chose to do so.

Our store does offer a 30-day warranty on all used guns. This warranty extends to circumstances of this nature, as we do not claim to be perfect, and do make mistakes from time to time. Our warranty also covers functional issues with any used firearm bought from our store. If, however, a buyer chooses to keep any firearm beyond that 30 day timeframe, it would then become theirs to own.

To my knowledge, as of this date, 23 February 2013, the pistol has not yet been returned to our store. OP, if I am mistaken, please let me know and I will look into the status of your refund as quickly as possible.

Hey Harrier,

First, you should know that I have no bad experience to report, I like your store.
and I am impressed with the speed you guys answer any requests.

However, it is painful to read how you answer to complaints like this one.
The screw up in this case, came without any doubt from your side...

Did you ever think how simple and effective it would be, just to say:

I am/we are sorry

And that's exactly what's missing!

Instead of trying to blame the customers and remind them of your policies, fix the problem and say the word:

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While people complain drop comments on here all the time about how they wonder why anyone buys from places like Epps ect, there is one small piece people are going to have a hard time swallowing and Im sure I will get name called when I state this, but this is the cold hard truth. In the last 2-3 years the gun market has gone crazy. I have a friend that work for one of the BC sponsors on here and I personaly know two of the store owners on here from Ontario (not epps). The reality is simple, they are not in the vulnerable position you might think.

The people who post on here are so far out of the reality of the gun world you would be shocked. You walk into a gun store and see no one in there you assume the store is hurting. You see a full wall of guns and you figure that they are in desparate need to move inventory to pay the light bill. You see a half empty rack and you assume they do not have money for inventory. You see dust on shelves and you asume they are to poor buy new shelves.

But go into any store with a list of guns that were commonly available 5 years ago and see how many you can find. One dealer in Ontario told me that at one time they averaged a 5 month turn over for inventory. Today they average one month. We think that we can pit store against store and when we go shop else ware that "they have lost my buisness" when the reality is that guns are selling more, faster, and for better margins then ever before.

The issue is not a lack of buisness its the product sells faster than it can be replaced. There are more customers then product. We as consumers hold ourselves up to high and we figure we are doing the shops a favor and a few individuals keep them in buisness. I bet if you took a survey of the dealers on here 90% of them are millionares and many are multi Millionares. I am not advicating for poor customer service, but at the same time we as consumers should not decieve ourselves into thinking we hold all the marbles.

This might explain why we do not always get the answers we like in the tone we like when dealing with a store because they really do not need to pander to us the way we think. The 1990s are gone when a store owner would beg you to buy a gun so he could take a 10% loss because of the registy, its time we might want to wake up to the new reality if we choose to belive it or not. Ive got my helmet on and my eyes covered, you can begin to throw the tomatos at me now.

Forget your customers and it's the first nail in your coffin. Times might be good now, but customers have long memories.
It seams real funny that all you here are one or two bad comments from some guys and they go balistic over the web.How about the 10s of thousands of customers over the last 10 years that have had a great deal from Epps,I will shop there till I die or till they close,hopefully never.30 years and counting now........
just my 2 cents...

I'm really starting to hate when people do this. Thread after thread of people making a statement or asking a question them deleting it when they here what they want (or didn't want). The idea of a forum is so others can read through and answer their own questions or research whatever it is they're looking into. Deleting posts does no one any good and really takes away from the forums.
Forget your customers and it's the first nail in your coffin. Times might be good now, but customers have long memories.

If an outfit that starts to pull a More Guns, or a Badger arms I can see, but this small petty stuff I see on here. Take a place like Lever Arms, how much possitive stuff do you see about them on here? Yet they do fantastic buisness. I had the chance to stop by Epps during holidays in Toronto, 4 weeks after the last big thread ware they were suppose to have lost thousands of customers. There must be two different Epps stores because this one was packed to the raftors.

The point I was trying to make in my long drawn out post may have been missed. The internet allows people to become extra tough by been able to say and do things they would not normally do in public, and there is the idea a little bad press will ruin a Buisness. If this was the case and the truth, the owners would know this and make sure to respond to every complaint on here as fast as they could and make concessions 10 times of what the item was worth and they do not. Mabey they know something we dont. Yes it could be the first nail but some coffins might take a few hundred to close. The last big post and the traffic i saw in Epps reminds me of this video.
I'm not so sure about Epps either. Been there once and found the staff to be quite rude. Ordered a 28" shotgun barrel that was "in stock" according to their email. Got an email back that it was on back order. I completely forgot about it and 9 months later a 30" barrel shows up at my door. I double checked my order email and it was definitely a 28" I ordered.

I didn't really care that I got a 30" instead because the only reason I ordered the 28" was because it was supposedly in stock. Anyways I got a barrel so I guess I am satisfied overall but it definitely raises doubt about ordering from them again.
This forum is really comming up to a bunch of cry baby.. #### happen.. People make mistake.. Grow up.. Take the phone and talk to them.

These day you have the happy crowd that start tread on how happy they are with their transaction and the other half crying each time there is a bug with a transaction..and ALWAYS all the other who get in the bandwagon on how good or bad this dealer or another are. This is sick....

Are you kidding me. Squeeky wheel always gets the grease. You can't fix a problem until its addressed. If anything epps should be great full of such feedback and positively use it to fix and reinforce more thorough customer service. I bet you'd be the same guy that complains after a bad experience and no one warning you before hand lol. Give your head a shake brother! This is a forum , there will be such negative and positive feedback. Maybe just stick to the EE ;)
I have lost track of how many used rifles I have purchased at Epps in the last 10 years without any negative issues. Service has always been great even when they are busy. Stopping in at their store is simply a must every time I travel Hwy 11.
Time to lock this thread. Epp has posted their position; by virtue of OP deleting his #1 post issue has been settled in Epps' favor.

No longer need to hear from the whiner complaining about issues being brought up. Just because a store is busy doesn't mean they're shouldn't strive for superior service.
I try and look at the big picture. Yes some places should try harder, or heck, how about just start trying to be professional. But, not everything will work out perfectly, and not everything will be bad. When l have one of these glitches happen to me, yeah l too get pissed, but l do my damnest to think about the good experiences l have had with businesses, and seen whether they tried to help me out the best they could. Not all of these attempts will always be to each persons satisfaction, but if they honeslty try, then l try to take that into account. Even though l am the customer, l dont think that l am always right. S*** happens, then go to the range and feel better. Works for me everytime.
Got brand new (but rusted) Hi-point mags from epps. Complained about them and was told: What did you expect from a cheap gun!!!! Woa! Never saw this coming!
Rude, unfair and no service. I dont even go through their website anymore.

Oh ya , 2 years ago they had their own little gun registry were you had to fax them your PAL with your picture on it, found that a bit weird. The only time I had to do this. Never bought from them again. Why do they need my picture for anyway?
It's happened to me as we'll. I contacted them for some obsolete calibre ammo. They quoted me a price, but when they sent it, it was regular price. Ended up paying double what they said. Promptly sent it back and got refunded. I never dealt with them again.
This is why I go to Williams Arms or Accuracy Plus in Ontario. There prices might be a bit higher, but the service you get is awesome.

After Ellwood epps, lied to me and ruined my shotgun, I shall never set foot there, and I tell everyone I know about the B.S they put me through.
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