M14, M305, M1A magazines neutering method

Could someone do me a favor, and measure how far down the rivet needs to be (as in how far down to the center of the hole I'll need to drill for the rivet) for a functional 5 round mag? I'd still like to repin mine, but will need to know where to pin them. Thanks!
Yesterday I stopped by International Shooting Supplies and found that they had a bin full of new Norinco M14 20/5 magazines. No welds on the floorplate and no rivets nor crimps. These are my favorite kind; the ones that do the limiting with a long metal strip spot welded to the bottom of the follower. Easy to completely disassemble. I bought one for $39.99 + tax.

One effective method of limiting any box magazine is exactly as described above, with a pin, rod or fin attached to the bottom of the follower. The box does not have any rivet heads sticking out and potentially blocking a tight magazine well, or weld spots as thoroughly discussed (disgusted?) previously.
Thanks! I'll get myself a rivet set this week and try it.. Fingers crossed! Having to go from 5 to 4 to use the mags is a big deal when your only starting with 5 to begin with! (and spending another $300+ on mags is just dumb..lol)
Did you get the KCIs? How did they fit? Any feeding issues?

Wow I'm behind on this one....May 2014....I can't remember what make they are. Fit is excellent, no issues. Only issue I ever had was some fail to feeds. Last time I striped the rifle down I found the op rod spring guide wasn't pined in the proper spot. Put it together the right way and works flawlessly..... (spring guide install was a fail on my part the last time I cleaned it, easy mistake)
Well, an update. I picked up a mastercrappy cheapo hand riveter today. Spent some time this eve installing rivets at 47mm (I found that I could get a 6th round into the mag at 47.5mm, not that it would function that way...). I had to drill out the pressed stops. So now my half price mags all function with 5 rounds in them, even inserting them into the rifle on a closed bolt. I am a happy man! Its pretty obvious what I did to the mags. 3 fairly large holes in the mags, and a rivet. Oh well, a little ugly, but works far better now. Many thanks Dook, for measuring that up for me!
Quick question about magazines capped by method of rod welded onto the follower. If you have a 20 round M14 magazine box with a rod on the follower restricting it to 5, and a 5 round magazine box with a normal follower............ it seems like a prohibited device is almost asking to be made by simply swapping the followers. My friends M14 from Marstar purchased 8 years ago had 5 and 20 round magazines that could, through parts (follower) interchange, be remade into a prohibited device.

What happens when you disassemble all the magazines (the 20 and 5 rounders) for cleaning and the parts can be readily remade into a prohibited device? Are you in technical possession of a prohibited device at this point? Taking into account the 2011 R v. Cancade decision, it might appear so and you might be in some hot water if police walked in on you.
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its my understanding that when disassembled they are merely parts. When you assemble the mag then it becomes prohibited. That's what I was told by a collector.
its my understanding that when disassembled they are merely parts. When you assemble the mag then it becomes prohibited. That's what I was told by a collector.

Take a moment to read the law on this.... There has been a court decision sometime ago.... The mag body is considered "the magazine"

That case may have been about importing unaltered mag bodies separate from the other parts with the intention of pinning them once in Canada. It was ruled the bodies were in fact prohibited, as they were intended to be assembled in Canada.
I also have two 5/20 round mags that as well have a follower stopper welded to it, the bottom plate is spot welded and is not removable....can't remember where I got them from.
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