March blow out

Luke S;\

"what is the shipping on both these packages? I cant really commit without knowing final price"

Request a quote we will provide....
"How much is shipping on the 3 crate and FSN for 1$ deal Johnone??? "

That depends on the destination.... Ask for a quote and you will get it....

"I think these will be long gone before any shipping questions are answered "

That is very possible....

While it will a pleasure to provide an accurate quote for shipping we ask that you understand, we need complete information, not questions like

How much is shipping to my home, how much do you charge for shipping, how much is shipping to my province, how much is shipping to my town....???

Please, we need a complete address with postal code SEND TO that way the shipping desk will reply ASAP

Same... Are the sale items going to be marked March Blow Out???

Looking forward to seeing what's on sale...

Credit card in hand...

Cheers & Thanks

^ went to the link provided and don't see anything different than I have seen there in the past. Where are these "march blowout" items? All sold?
From wikipedia.... New production, like the CSA line of vz58.

According to an old thread on CGN, they appeared to be refurbed frakenguns with some issues so I just wanted to ask and clarify before buying. Since he responded to other shipping quote requests but not my question, I will assume they are refurbed. Please correct me if I'm wrong John as I would still like to know for future purchases. Guess it'd be worth the risk anyways to buy a FSN for $1 but now sold out. fak. Hesitated cuz it was corrosive ammo...
"According to an old thread on CGN, they appeared to be refurbed frakenguns with some issues"
What old threads ?? How did you arrive at this startling conclusion ?

"I will assume they are refurbed. "
I assume you arrived this by personal observation ?? You must have examined the rifles we had in stock, right ??

" I would still like to know for future purchases."
The easiest way to know is to ask

" Hesitated cuz it was corrosive ammo... "
I can see you are a man of risks, a rifle for $1. too risky ?
Surplus ammunition that is corrosive, the same as all type M-43 ammunition, a huge risk....

WE HAD just under 50 of these packages, they sold in under two hours....
Thank you to all of you who recognized a deal when you saw it and grabbed it....

Thanks to John for this.
I would have jumped if I had not bought three guns this month....

I am glad dealers put these things together for the lucky few.

Thanks John

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