March blow out

Give John a break, he's like 95 years old....I'm amazed at the patience he shows some of you tards and the bull#### you post....jesus.
How dare he sell rifles for a dollar and not provide immediate shipping quotes when someone posts on CGN?!?!?

Most of us realized this was the deal of the year and went ahead and purchased without pissing and moaning about what shipping costs. But seriously please continue to hesitate so that those of us that are serious about buying stuff don't miss out cuz they're sold out. You people hesitating meant I got the last package available.
How dare he sell rifles for a dollar and not provide immediate shipping quotes when someone posts on CGN?!?!?

Most of us realized this was the deal of the year and went ahead and purchased without pissing and moaning about what shipping costs. But seriously please continue to hesitate so that those of us that are serious about buying stuff don't miss out cuz they're sold out. You people hesitating meant I got the last package available.

Hesitating? I didn't even have the chance... ;)
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