Question about Practicle exam


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Can I get some insight on how the practical test is done. Mainly, is it a group thing or does the instructor take you into a separate room? The entire class isn't going to be behind me watching are they? I tend to get nervous when on center stage.

Ive taken the test twice over the years, the first time there was about five of us in a group and we all did the test together. the second time a few years later I did it in a seperate room with just me and the conservation officer. I guess it all depends on the examiner.
They split our class and sent half out for a break. Then by two's an instructor on each side of the room took a person and did their practical.

You be focusing on finger placement(outside the trigger guard) and muzzle control so I doubt you'll even notice anyone else.
When I did mine there were 2 people in the room at a time doing two different parts of the practical.
Thanks for the quick replies, everyone. Good point about being to busy focusing on the acts & proves to be worrying about who is watching. I just get really nervous when I'm in the spotlight and can see me doing something stupid because of it.
Its all common sense and safety, just make sure to always check that its unloaded, point it safe and keep your finger out of the trigger guard.
They may try to trick you as well so be careful. They tried with me on my restricted practical. I was asked to load a revolver from a cookie tin of assorted ammo. I couldn't find the correct ammo in the tin. He told me to keep looking, I did and still didn't find it. He finally said good, its not in there.
It's supposed to be one person per instructor with no students who are waiting their turn able to watch someone else's test. Sometimes you will have examiners on opposite sides/corners of large rooms.
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I had done my exam through a challenge. I had contacted one of the licensed firearm instructors in my town through the AHEIA. He lives down the road from me so I just walked to his place at a mutually agreed upon time and took the exam. I did the written on his dining room table and the practical in his kitchen 1-on-1. I guess everyone's situation may be different.
There's no definite answer, will depend on class size, availability of space, number of instructors etc.
When I did mine, there were three instructors, one stayed with the class while the other two took a corner each in an adjoining room for the practical which was done in order of completion of the written portion.
Take your time, understand the given instructions (as noted above, they may try to trick you), always PROVE the firearm, keep in a safe direction and finger away from the trigger and you'll pass with ease.
Good luck.
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Mine was one at a time. Those who got the highest score on the written test got priority. But the practical test was easy. The instructor didn’t go through everything that was taught. Just a few different things at random for each person. I think it was random for everyone, either way it was less than five minutes.

You’ll do fine. It’s easy as hell. Just pay attention, be sure to check everything you’re doing like checking the stamp on the barrel as well as the cartridge etc.

It’s a breeze
Can I get some insight on how the practical test is done. Mainly, is it a group thing or does the instructor take you into a separate room? The entire class isn't going to be behind me watching are they? I tend to get nervous when on center stage.


Mine was a fairly easy process. Everyone goes out to another room to write the test. Each person gets called in for the practical. Asks you the regular questions on the test and for you to show it. E.g. if you are Trung to transport this restricted firearm, how must you transport it. Prepare the items for transport. If you are transporting it, what do you have to do to transport it in the car. Are you allowed to leave it in the car? If so, how must you leave it.

Pretty straight forward. I actually had fun with it.
Mine was a fairly easy process. Everyone goes out to another room to write the test. Each person gets called in for the practical. Asks you the regular questions on the test and for you to show it. E.g. if you are Trung to transport this restricted firearm, how must you transport it. Prepare the items for transport. If you are transporting it, what do you have to do to transport it in the car. Are you allowed to leave it in the car? If so, how must you leave it.

Pretty straight forward. I actually had fun with it.

I completely agree with you.
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The written test was done with everyone in the room, the practical test was done one on one , everybody passes unless you are literally brain dead, no need to worry
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