Zahal finds new products, what about this.


CGN frequent flyer
Id love to see some accessories for the Kriss Vector. Not sure that this would fall into your area of expertise as its an american made gun but theres a real hole in the market right now. A front railed hand guard would a start. Something like what red jacket did on their show. I also liked the stock mounted dual mag carrier. Both products id pay very good money for.

Just a thought. You guys seem to find the best parts. My VZ58 was completely decked out with parts i bought from Zahal and when I buy another one... ill be getting it all from you again.
That's a great idea! We'll bring it up with Fab-defense, as they've done stocks for the MP7 and MP5 in the past, it seems natural to build for the Kriss as well. The only thing is we'll have to look at differences between their 2013 model and older generations currently on store shelves.

It can be such an improvement to the Vz58 rifle to have the right parts on there. We'll have lots of new stuff when you get your next one!
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