We need your help! Test Our Rifle Builder


Business Member
It's hard to look at a pile of parts and always picture what they'd look like on your rifle. Especially online.

We're trying to take the guesswork out of it with a piece by piece builder on the site!

We'd love for you guys to take a look through some of the rifles your familiar with and see if things are going together right. This is still in beta phase, so please keep an eye out for little bugs.

For example: on the MP5 you can add flashlights without a rail, or on the AK74 one of our grips sits too deep. These are the things we're looking for fix and polish.

And if there's anything missing that you think a particular rifle would really benefit from: let us know!

Thanks, and have fun!

Zahal's Rifle Builder
My personal opinion? Really should only have guns that the regular license holder can have. No one can buy a new MP5, AK47, AK74? Just me perhaps.
1st off, I have been really happy with your products & service. Glad to see you made it to this site!

I would love to see you guys produce a mag well grip for the Rob Arms XCR rifle. They work great on my AR but would require some monkey'ing with to work well on the diagonal mag well of the XCR.

Again, glad you dropped in...
Great time waster!

...works well. Its fast, running ie9 flash player version 11.6.602.171.

It is flash correct?
My personal opinion? Really should only have guns that the regular license holder can have. No one can buy a new MP5, AK47, AK74? Just me perhaps.

Sorry, we sell lots into the states and europe and a few different police and military units. We don't mean to taunt you. Honest! :D

A remove button would make a lot of sense!
Simply an asthetic issue..... but you asked!!

When you select a CZ858 configuration and then "onmouseover" on one of your categories at the top such as Tactical gear, the menu is underneath the graphic layer of the CZ858 and you can see the ugly cut out background. The CZ graphic therefore prevents you from selecting subheadings is really what Im getting at. Easy fix.
Works great. Remove next to the Add button rather than having to select the checkbox to remove would work better. Also, 5 round shorty mags for the VZ58 (but thanks for all the pinned options) would be great, very hard to find in Canada.
Perhaps include a small window that would show us the weight gain/savings? Weight and center of balance are very important to me when I slap things on my fireams.
As for removing the item you can take it off from the buy list on the right hand side.
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